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OK Dirty Dan

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    Tulsey Town Cattleman's Association, Indian Territory SASS

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    Tulsa, OK

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  1. I would definitely suggest going with a lowered hammer if you have difficulty reaching the spur without rocking the revolver. I say that because one of the main things I see from other duelist shooters which costs them time on their pistols is turning the hammer cocking motion, which in my opinion should be a thumb-only movement, into a full hand/wrist movement. That time with your gun off-target to cock the hammer adds up. But mostly, as you say, it's practice. That can be practice dry firing and transitions at home, or live fire at the range. Transitions are key for every category so I'd spend some time at home getting comfortable getting the first pistol back into leather (without looking it in) at the same time as you're pulling the second from leather and getting it on target. That will minimize your pistol-to-pistol transition time and also allow your dominant hand (I assume every double duelist generally shoots dominant hand first for transition reasons) to move onto the rifle/shotgun earlier therefore minimizing that transition time. Edit: Just realized I was assuming you're shooting double duelist. Maybe you aren't. Whether you are or not, still practicing in and out of leather will be of benefit.
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