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SASS Wire Forum

Eliphalet R. Moderator

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Everything posted by Eliphalet R. Moderator

  1. We know that the current events cause emotions to run high and hot. But, turning the SASS Wire Forum into a Facebook page is not allowed. Y'all agreed to the terms of use when you signed on. SASS is made up of people from all political and social views. Some may not like that, but it is so. It matters not whether the moderators agree with your political views or not. We are here to keep the SASS Wire Forum "neutral ground", and a place to get away from politics and the entanglements of the "real world". Private Messages have been sent to some of you over the past weeks to keep it "clean" and keep it non-political. Some haven't gotten the hint. Please don't make us remove your posting privileges. At the same time, we urge you all to exercise your right to VOTE. If you don't, then whatever happens in the elections, you are a hypocrite when you complain. For those who feel the need to post political threads, memes, or cartoons, get a Facebook page, or set up a blog and write to your heart's content. This is not the place.
  2. Title says it all. Offers to Buy/Sell/Trade posted by Guests or Members not including their SASS Number will be deleted without notice.
  3. Time for a reminder of the words of Misty Moonshine... "- Does this message add value to the forum? - Is this something I would say to a person face-to-face? *If you cannot answer yes to all of these questions, please reconsider posting your message. IGNORE FEATURE TIP: If you find there is a forum user that you no longer wish to see posts from,-regardless of the reason, there is a feature built in to the SASS Wire Forums that allows you to "IGNORE" a User. " There are a lot of folks joining SASS in recent months. What you post is going to be the new or prospective members first impression of fellow SASS members. Like it or not, each of you is a SASS Ambassador.
  4. We've been letting folks post items for sale, for those who are deceased, disabled or who are not computer literate. However, you may not sell guns that are not yours, but you may refer prospective buyers to the seller. The seller must be a SASS member and you must post their SASS name and number. Posts that do not meet these parameters will be deleted.
  5. SASS Event Wire Guidelines . Use the following format: For example, July 1-4, 2018 should be written as 0701-0704 2018. That keeps the matches in order of occurrence. . Match announcements that aren't in the correct format will be deleted. . List your match location. . Follow your Topics, that way, if someone has a question, you will see it.
  6. Seamus,

    I went back and looked at old posts to see if any of yours got dropped.  The only one I could find was in the Town Drunk thread?  Was that it?



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