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Pat Riot

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Posts posted by Pat Riot

  1. I have done that too. I made this tube with slots cut into it for compressing the spring with the mainspring seat and getting both parts far enough compressed to insert a 1/16” punch in the hammer strut to hold everything together. 



    EDIT: I came up with this tube after bouncing a hammer spring off my forehead one day. It saved me explaining the stupid looking bruise…again…and many times since. 

    • Thanks 2
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  2. 58 minutes ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

    I understand. It’s just a hard thing to visualize so I added the data.


    Siberia is generally figured to be everything east of the urals as it was in the 17-19th centuries.  If you actually go there and ask “what’s Siberia?” It’s much harder to get an accurate answer [that does seem to be the Russian way, doesn’t it?]

    rathole here… just to give an idea of what it’s like there. outside of the big cities, most folks have outhouses.

    I see. Thanks. 

    I found something interesting. 


    Then I found this:


    It seems like there are differing ideas on that territory. 

    • Like 2
  3. For years I wanted a CZ-75 and a Browning Hi-Power. They both felt really good in my hand, especially the CZ. I finally got a chance to put 100 rounds each through both guns a few years ago at a range that rents guns. 
    I was so bummed when I found that I really didn’t care for either one. I guess it was better than buying them and finding out. 
    On the CZ it was the layout out the slide release that bothered me. I have big hands but could not release the slide and maintain my grip one handed. 
    My son-in-law said that I have been “Glockified”. He may be right about that. 

    I still like the looks and the reliability of CZ’s though. Fantastic pistols. 

    Oh, the Hi-Power? I still have a scar from the hammer bite. I also didn’t care for how it recoiled. 

    • Like 1
  4. I may watch this series, but will refrain from commenting on my religious views and those of others. 

    I recall the mini series Riders of the Purple Sage back in the 80’s. Though I cannot recall any details of the show I do recall the bad blood and animosity that occurred at work amongst folks that were Mormon and those that were not, but felt that everyone needed to know their views on the matter. 
    Truthfully, I do not know the history of the Mormons and then, as in now, I keep my trap shut about Hollywood depictions of history. 

  5. Many businesses in Orange County, CA kept homeless and dirtbags out of their restrooms by installing keypad locks on their restroom doors. I also recall seeing this in Portland, OR.
    If you want to use the restroom you need to be a customer or you don’t get the combination. 

    Question: If a filthy dirty homeless guy knocked on your door and asked to use your bathroom would you let him in? 

  6. I think that’s fair. It’s their facility, not the public’s. 
    One of the reasons I hated Starbucks was their penchant for allowing mooches and scum to lounge about when paying customers couldn’t find a place to sit. 

    • Like 4
  7. One thing I like to do is pick an area where I think I might like to live and go there for a few days. I skip the tourist crap. I stay in a motel. I eat at local restaurants, not franchise chains. I go to stores and shops and pretend to shop while observing the staff and customers in the store. If there’s a local paper I buy it and read it. All of it and I focus on local news, op-eds and classifieds. I interact with locals but don’t really say why I am there. 
    This gives me an idea of the people in an area. If the majority are pizzed off grumpy people I move on. 
    This is how I picked where I wanted to live when moving to various cities and regions for my work. 
    This is how I picked WV for retirement. I mostly grew up in PA but always loved WV, but I didn’t allow my childhood attraction to dictate my decisions. 
    My wife and I came to northern WV twice snd spent a week each time. We did visit family in PA (a place I will never willingly live again - hate that £#€%ing state with a passion. 
    In WV I found people to be genuinely decent friendly people. 
    This is what I look for in the locals. A friendly environment goes a long way towards your own happiness. 

    • Like 4
  8. Dealing with or enduring extreme temps is good practice for unforeseen possibilities. It also tells you your own limits. 

    I used to camp in the snow for days at a time. You learn pretty quickly what apparel and equipment works and what doesn’t and most of all what you can tolerate. 

    Perhaps these “crazy” illogical weather ignoring people are testing themselves. OR perhaps they are show offs. Or maybe they’re poor and doing what they gotta do to live.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Cowtown Scout, SASS #53540 L said:

    I believe you will find the Pacific Northwest to be on the damp side.

    Every year I spent in Oregon with each winter I got progressively more depressed. Too wet. Too gray. Too leftist. 

    • Like 2
  10. When I left the Navy and moved to L.A.I started going to indoor shooting ranges with a new friend. He was also Navy. We learned of these tactical matches put on by members of the LAPD SWAT Team. 
    They were handgun only and the handgun was typically a 1911. 
    They weren’t as hardcore as the link Dom posted but they weren’t for the “stand and deliver” set, for sure. 

    I truly enjoyed these matches. They were hard on your body, but really fun. I was getting really good at it when LAPD Management put an end to the SWAT guys conducting matches on public lands with “civilians”. Truly a Bummer. 

    If I were physically capable I would love to give these “Tactical Games” a try. 

    And @Alpo you might think the tactical trend is silly, but I am sure these “games” were derived from ex-military folks that served our country.  It doesn’t hurt having government types seeing “We the people” doing things that show we aren’t a bunch of sheep as well. The “silly” tactical types might just save our asses one day. 


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  11. I have heard some WiFi Hotspot horror stories about hackers in public places. Not wanting to partake in the fun I opted for unlimited data on our phones and if there is a bar on my phone I have internet. It may be slow, but I have it and I don’t get creepy requests from hipster types and other moochers to glom onto my gig. 

  12. Oops! I forgot something.  I do recall that a couple of times when the timer went off I drew my right side revolver, aimed, squeezed the trigger and nothing. I didn’t cock the hammer. I was able to start over since I didn’t actually fire the gun, but I had to mentally check myself on that boo-boo and keep telling myself “cock the gun, cock the gun” before each stage for a little while. :D

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