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Cypress Sun

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Everything posted by Cypress Sun

  1. Depends on which direction your traveling doesn't it? I know, I know.......
  2. Yes and a helleva lot more talented. Sorry Pat
  3. Might want to change your heading to Colt. It say Cold 1911 now.

  4. The match tommorrow at Ruskin has been cancelled due to the forecast weather.

    Thought I'd let you know.



    1. Johnny Longpants

      Johnny Longpants

      Thanks, I had checked the website so I was updated but disappointed but understood after sitting through the whole day of rain.

  5. Go Falcons!!! Taking Atlanta and the three, don't think the 3 will be needed. Always been a Fins fan.....never forgave the snowplow game.
  6. Reloading Unlimited has it in both ! and 8 lbs. 8 lb will be $215 shipped. Kind of pricey but when you need it........ A bunch of other powders in stock also. I've done business with them in the past, always got my product when promised, their phone skills need some honing though. https://reloadingunlimited.com/
  7. Halfbreed is a true stand up guy. Bought a canvas shotgun belt from him when I first started. Over the years, with the sweat and wear/tear, the tongue finally split. Asked him if he could replace the tongue and make it longer as I had become larger. Not only did he repair the belt as requested, when I asked how much did I owe him..........he said nothing, I stand behind my work. I told him that it wasn't his work that caused it, it was me.........same response. Halfbreed is one of kind and does great work. I highly recommend him and his company Classic Leather Works. Looking forward to seeing you at your first match. Sun
  8. Grape jelly on a grilled cheddar cheese sandwich is great. Add a piece of patty sausage, even better.
  9. Yes, that Jeff Gordon. The Taylor Team, driving a Cadillac Prototype won the 24 hours of Daytona. Pretty exciting finish in all of the classes, close hard racing. Let the racing season begin.........
  10. God Bless the men and women who defy the odds. The journey to space and back has never been a safe trip. It takes alot of balls (women not excluded) to sit on top of a rocket, go to a place that damn near 100% of humans have never been to......and do it more than once. May all of the brave folks who gave all to the "race for space" rest in peace. Sun
  11. No, it's not.........It's HILARIOUS. Thanks SJ
  12. Congratulations on your retirement. I can understand the gracious depart, no burnt bridges and all......but I'd still be pissed to miss out on 2.25 months worth of regular wages and benefits. Once again, congrats on your retirement.....ENJOY. CS
  13. These days, I'd have a hard time outrunning a tortoise with a gun......a gun leaning in a stand, a much better chance. Agree with Deuce and Cowboy Junky.......hope to see ya'll at The Ides. CS
  14. .30 carbine......Ruger Blackhawk and AMT Automag II........before they fell out of the canoe. Darn waves on the ocean.
  15. Hey Dutch that's a good idea........only reverse. Maybe my dad will give me one.
  16. IMO, Craftsman tools have been junk for about the 15 years. For me, they were the go to brand for many years.....not any more.
  17. I did the annual cleaning the day after Thanksgiving, a ritual with me.....may have to move that back to New Years Day now. Naw can't do that, got ham, blackeye peas, cornbread, collard greens and rice to cook....looks like I'll just have to give up one of the traditions. Guess which one. So far as the original post. Ten stages in one day? Give me 12 and make 'em track meet stages......or not. Greta on a two day drunk.....who'd have figured?
  18. Weather forecast is for mid to upper 70's on Sunday.....pretty nice shooting conditions.Gotta love Florida in the wintertime.
  19. You'll mainly notice it on pistol rounds.....expecially the first shot. It's holstered with barrel down, all of the powder is sitting on the back of the bullet, furthest away from the primer. Switched to American Select, cured the poof first round. Don't get very cold in Florida most of the time but when it does....it gets humid/cold.
  20. Hard to believe a little one like that was out in that type of weather.
  21. Desert Eagle in .357.............what a POS that was.
  22. One time Emerson Fittipaldi got pulled over for speeding. Mario Andretti was riding with him. I guess he was doing way over the limit. Anyway the cop asks him "Who do you think you are, Mario Andretti?" He replies, No, I'm Emerson Fittipaldi...Mario is in the passenger seat. When someones says cowboy movies, I think John Wayne.......when they say bada##, I think Clint Eastwood.
  23. Cypress Sun


    One has to take RO classes to run the timer? Not to change the subject.....but, should someone who has never taken the classes run the timer?
  24. Rye, how did you become a piano tuner as a profession? Just curious.
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