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Cypress Sun

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Everything posted by Cypress Sun

  1. Cmon Joe. ya gotta catch the worms before you can catch fish...that is how ya catch worms isn't it?
  2. Your sister was holding Damien? Might want to get that kid a haircut..just to be on the safe side.
  3. You've have the Covid vaccine?
  4. He's a dead man on Valentine's Day though.
  5. I couldn't afford an F15, let alone a 6 pack of them. I just settled for a black market Russian nuke. Had a helleva time digging a silo deep enough for it though....damn Florida water table. Aw crap....I thought this was the cartoon thread. Sorry Pat
  6. I'd be more worried about the horse catching something than I would the kid.
  7. I know this is a "no post" meme thread but.... If you received the jolt across the chest, you need to stay acutely aware of any feeling of lightheadedness or the like. I've been zapped so many times by 120 volt that it doesn't bother me much any more. 277 volt is an entirely different animal, the effects for a solid zap could last years. If you experience a tightness or lightheadedness of the chest or heart, call 911 or head for the hospital. Just a heads up. Been there, done that.
  8. You got it.
  9. SASS stickers (5). Pm your address and I'll send them out.
  10. I guess I'm just not a Stevie Nicks fan.
  11. Mick Fleetwood and Stevie Nicks out for a ride?
  12. Hope your ex was better looking
  13. The mosquito is the unofficial Florida State bird.
  14. Hell with cutting my hair.......she's gonna be painting my house.
  15. Yes and many other lines from the movie.
  16. Squirrel
  17. Great................
  18. I doubt that they will do this in Florida in July.
  19. Depends on which direction your traveling doesn't it? I know, I know.......
  20. Yes and a helleva lot more talented. Sorry Pat
  21. Might want to change your heading to Colt. It say Cold 1911 now.

  22. The match tommorrow at Ruskin has been cancelled due to the forecast weather.

    Thought I'd let you know.



    1. Johnny Longpants

      Johnny Longpants

      Thanks, I had checked the website so I was updated but disappointed but understood after sitting through the whole day of rain.

  23. Go Falcons!!! Taking Atlanta and the three, don't think the 3 will be needed. Always been a Fins fan.....never forgave the snowplow game.
  24. Reloading Unlimited has it in both ! and 8 lbs. 8 lb will be $215 shipped. Kind of pricey but when you need it........ A bunch of other powders in stock also. I've done business with them in the past, always got my product when promised, their phone skills need some honing though. https://reloadingunlimited.com/
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