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Cypress Sun

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Everything posted by Cypress Sun

  1. It's still delivering the mail.
  2. Buford drove a Pontiac. I do see the A-Team's van there. Guarantee they'll be 500 bullets sprayed around the neighborhood with no injuries or damage to the surrounding area...FOOL.
  3. Figures it's up north. In Florida, it would be "Drive with pie". Pecan pie for me. Damn it, now I have to go get a pecan pie...in these Winter conditions!
  4. Hey, Bulgarian women need love too...and a banana .
  5. Back then FSU was a all female college...still is to some extent.
  6. I learned to drive on a '73 VW Beetle. Clutches were non forgiving on those things. I hated that car, but I learned how to drive a manual transmission in it. Surprised that my stepfather doesn't still have neck problems from the "learning curve". Riding a clutch on a hill is truly an art as is the ole heel toe. I miss those days...sorta.
  7. What a coincidence. I took all of the creams and lotions on the bathroom counter and put them in one big bottle, Same thing with all of those colored little bottles with the brushes attached to the cap. Saved a ton of space on the counter and wait til you see how I saved space in the shower!
  8. Naw, that's an American arachnid...gotta be toilet paper. If that's Australia, that's a paper towel roll with a baby spider on it.
  9. That's the employees. They must pay them by the pound.
  10. Love the pink rabbit slippers...otherwise, nothing to see here.
  11. Heard today in Home Depot. Been a while since I heard this one.
  12. What a wimp. Never extended the ladder and a water cushioned safety net AND working on low voltage. Probably even has a square to round bushing on the ladder...p**** Yes, I've worked out of a bucket truck before.
  13. One of the best boat chases ever filmed.
  14. During an interview with Bill Withers, the interviewer pointed out the "Ain't No Sunshine" was not proper use of the English language. He replied "I know, I know, I know, I know...."
  15. Notice it is following the medic camel closely. I wonder if the 120mm mortar camel is a two humper? Is the two humper is also camelflauged?
  16. You know how them electric vehicles catch everything else on fire. Wouldn't have happened if the Ranger had a permit.
  17. Probably happened when the Ranger gave a Prius a jump.
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