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Cypress Sun

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Everything posted by Cypress Sun

  1. Fun fact - Almost every one of the actors portraying the Black Widows biker gang was in at least one other Clint Eastwood movie other than the "Every Which Way" series.
  2. Your phone number is still listed....
  3. Doesn't look like the one in the picture had power run to it either. I've seen the no power to the fan but never the no hole for the fan. One thing that I used to warn homeowners about, if I noticed it while in their attic, was when ducted range hoods had open ducts just extended to above the drywall ceiling and had no ducting to the roof. Big time fire hazard. More than one house caught on fire due to that.
  4. Hide her batteries.
  5. Damn, I'm hungry now!
  6. I hear he's quite the swimmer.
  7. Maybe he has a woman come in once a week to clean up!
  8. And beer refrigerator, giant tv? Why is the bed made...is he expecting female company?
  9. All the same guns except for one pistol and two rifles. I'm sure that all of your wife's shoes are not ALL pumps.
  10. "What's important is that when we get where we're going, we won't ever get sick, we won't get any older and we'll never die." I always loved that line out of that movie.
  11. Another thing that I saw on a random check was that some of them somehow sent a message to another member that everyone can read. I saw addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and other personal info also. It's how scammers get their foot in the door and they're good at what they do. There's a couple of layers of protection on this site that people ignore for some reason.... Use PM's, not public messages. Don't post any personal information (Email addresses, physical addresses, phone numbers, etc) that can be viewed publicly anywhere on this site. Pretty damn simple, yet...
  12. Another supposedly anti-prejudice Randy Newman song is a song named Rednecks. When you read the lyrics to the song...it's hard to tell.
  13. And another from a Tampa Bay area native.
  14. More toxic than Camp Lejeune water ever was.
  15. The Highways to Hell.
  16. The guys I felt sorry for was a video of some Chinese guys that were pushing multi-tiered scaffolding around on some type of loading dock and pushed it into some high voltage overhead power lines. It hooked them up and they couldn't release their grip, one guy was actually able to get away from it. It was a multi-minute video, watching them fry and catch on fire was hard to watch but I made the guys watch it. A video like that makes the employees think about what they're doing and to be situational aware of their surroundings...I doubt it's something they'll ever forget. I know I didn't.
  17. I've seen some real gruesome pictures of copper thieves that were killed trying to steal wire/etc. One was a picture of someone that screwed up at a utility power substation. There was about 1/2 of him left, the rest was just a black chunk of ash and charcoal with a pair of large bolt cutters in it. Hard to feel sorry for a thief.
  18. I dunno, obese cop chasing a punk with his pants around his ankles. Probably be a sight to see and even better video.
  19. I was in a local Albertsons supermarket (no longer there) when the lady at the counter where they sell the "custom cut" meat, seafood, stuffed porkchops, etc., announced on the store's PA that if anyone came up and sang a song on the PA, that they would give away a full New York strip steak to the singer. I went up, told they lady "I'll do it". She asked what song and I told her "Wipe Out". She handed me the mike and off I went...a laugh and two words "Wipe Out!". She had obviously never heard wipe out as she was in her early 20's. She said that I had to sing the rest of the song, I said "I did". Another guy standing at the counter said "That's all the words to the song." The steak was delicious.
  20. I still have one of those for when I go camping in a site that has electric. Great for camping, especially breakfast.
  21. Without a doubt.
  22. Maybe the gloves fit now.
  23. ***CLAIMED*** Lyman Autofeed primer fillers/pickup tubes. For SASS members only. Just pay shipping.
  24. That kind of crap really is annoying...I hate it when it gets all wrapped around the Ditch Witch blades.
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