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Doc Hurd #12379

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Status Replies posted by Doc Hurd #12379

  1. Hey ya ole hillbilly!, check out ALTAMONT grips, thin style, for your rugers. They are thin, and shaped like the old gunfighter style from Eagle. Plus, their ‘super’ walnut ones are damn sexy! Especially the checkered ones. I have several of these grips, and am in love with them! 
    ‘too bad you don’t have a Bisley, I’d make you a helluva deal on a pair of pairs of Buffalo, gunfighter grips! Ned

    Ill send you a pic (text) in a bit

  2. Doc

    Yes I am. The gun was only used for a short time by my wife

    "TWO PONIES GAL" who wanted a rifle to match her pistols Caliber.

    I soon switched her off of that because I got tired of making too many bullets of different calibers. and the gun has been in the safe for some years now.

    She no longer shoots due to maculer degeneration with her sight.

    She was  Alabama State Champion for many years prior to 2018.


  3. Doc

    Yes I am. The gun was only used for a short time by my wife

    "TWO PONIES GAL" who wanted a rifle to match her pistols Caliber.

    I soon switched her off of that because I got tired of making too many bullets of different calibers. and the gun has been in the safe for some years now.

    She no longer shoots due to maculer degeneration with her sight.

    She was  Alabama State Champion for many years prior to 2018.


  4. Doc, I have a pair of the 44 Specials SS 4 5/8" I purchased them in 2012 and shot them a couple years at SASS matches. Had Brisco  kid change to Blackhawk hammers/springs and changed to the black checkered grips. These are used but real nice condition. They have been in the safe for last couple years and thinking to down size gun collection.

    1. Doc Hurd #12379

      Doc Hurd #12379

      I would like to buy them for $1200 plus shipping for the pair.

      please send address, total amount and phone number.   Also I'm interested in the rifle.  Has it had work done to it and by who plus price?

      Thank you,

      Doc Hurd

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. Doc, I have a pair of the 44 Specials SS 4 5/8" I purchased them in 2012 and shot them a couple years at SASS matches. Had Brisco  kid change to Blackhawk hammers/springs and changed to the black checkered grips. These are used but real nice condition. They have been in the safe for last couple years and thinking to down size gun collection.

    1. Doc Hurd #12379

      Doc Hurd #12379

      I would be very interested if you decide to sell.  I have some nice guns to trade too.



    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. Doc, I have a pair of the 44 Specials SS 4 5/8" I purchased them in 2012 and shot them a couple years at SASS matches. Had Brisco  kid change to Blackhawk hammers/springs and changed to the black checkered grips. These are used but real nice condition. They have been in the safe for last couple years and thinking to down size gun collection.

    1. Doc Hurd #12379

      Doc Hurd #12379

      I would be very interested if you decide to sell.  I have some nice guns to trade too.



    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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