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Mack Hacker, #60477

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Status Updates posted by Mack Hacker, #60477

  1. I only have the store number and they are closed today

    1. Yusta B.
    2. Mack Hacker, #60477

      Mack Hacker, #60477

      Thanks but Goody beat you to it.


    3. Yusta B.

      Yusta B.

      I saw that - he beats me shooting too !!  :D

  2. I am interested in your 73. I have a lightly used 73rifle (45) with 24' barrel. It has been my back up for 8 years and used very little over that time. The wood on this one has exceptional grain for an off the rack 73.

    It has had the action slicked, but no major mods. It has SS mag spring and follower.

    Not what you were looking for, but I also have a 73 in 45 with a 30" ...

  3. Send me an address and I'll send you a check.

  4. Send me an address and I'll send you a check.

  5. Joe Boy can be reached at 254 865 7503. Enjoyed shooting the practice match with you.

  6. Joe Boy can be reached at 254 865 7503. Enjoyed shooting the practice match with you.

  7. Yeah, you smoked me as bad as I smoked you at Comin At Cha. If anybody ever asks me if I want to shoot through again, I will tell them I would rather hold the long range rifle targets.

  8. Where are you located and what is the local club you intend to shoot? I am in Hamilton and often shoot the Green Mountain Regulators match on the 4th weekend. Probably won't make it this week since I shot at Buck Creek last week.

  9. I was out of town and my BIL picked it up for me. I haven't seen it yet, but expect to this afternoon, My sister really liked it. Thanks a lot.

  10. Just noticed that we finished "fairly close" in the standings.

  11. Corrected I seem to have lost some of my comtacts, but I think you are the person I bought the Rolling Block from a whaile back. If so, I have a question, since I am new to this kind of shooting. You stated that the chamber had been cut to 45/90 length.

    What does that mean as far as reloading is concerned. Should I load just like 45/70; load 45/70 but seat to 45/90 length or use ...

  12. I seem to have lost some of my comtacts, but I think you are the person I bought the Rolling Block from a whaile back. If so, I have a question, since I am new to this kind of shooting. You stated that the chamber had been cut to 40090 length.

    What does that mean as far as reloading is concerned. Should I load just like 45/70; load 45/70 but seat to 45/90 length or use 45/90 cases?

  13. I have a lightly used Grabber(new model) that was showing some age from sitting out in the garage. Texita Draw took it for about six months and slicked it up pretty good. He loaded on it for a while, but I have it back now. I would take $225 for it. You can check the condition with Texita. He actually has more experience with it than I do.

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