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Crooked River Pete, SASS 43485

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Everything posted by Crooked River Pete, SASS 43485

  1. I read a story years ago, guy contacted the producers of the show to see what happened to all those cars. I think he belonged to a Mopar collectors group, they were in a back lot/ junk yard and the producers wanted to get rid of them. They either gave them to the members of the club , or sold them for a song, gave them a certificate of authenticity, and made them promise to never charge any one to see the cars. Author said most of the cars were so badly wrecked they were not salvageable, but being first he got a good one.
  2. As far as I know no gun with a tip up barrel has an extractor. You couldn't tip the barrel up if the extractor was in it. I had a 10/22 that had an occasional failure to extract, but usually worked great. after a couple years I realized it had a missing extractor. It shot quite well for not having one.
  3. Can be yours https://www.gunbroker.com/Item/1055443323
  4. i made a set of jumper cables from welder leads, best cables ever, long enough I can pull up behind most cars and still jump them. With that heavy wire I've never had a car that wouldn't start, no mater how big the motor or dead the battery. Of course you still need 4 men, just to carry them from the trunk to the front of the car.
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