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LawMan Mark, SASS #57095L

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Everything posted by LawMan Mark, SASS #57095L

  1. The boss called an impromptu meeting at work. After all of us were seated, he asked "Can anyone give me some examples of useless?" I raised my hand, and he said, "yes, and what are some other examples?"
  2. Made my own Oklahoma Burgers (aka "Smash Burgers) last night. Infinitely better than bought. 4 oz of ground chuck rolled into a ball, then pressed flat (about 1/4" thick, about a 5" circle). Liberally season with kosher salt and black pepper. Butter a hot skillet (medium high). Place patties in hot skillet, and immediately press about 1/2 to 3/4 cup of very thinly sliced onions on top, and over sides of patties. Cook three minutes, and carefully flip, cooking two more minutes on second side. When flipped, place bun bottom on the patty and stack top of bun on this. Put lid over the entire skillet. This steams the buns. Remove buns, and place slice of American cheese on each patty, and cover for 30 seconds. Remove all, and assemble burgers. Recommended condiments and dressing are mustard and pickles. I opted for mustard only, but I did make mine a double. Nearly hurt myself eating it all, but it was so worth it. The crust developed on the patty from the high heat is one of the signature traits of this burger.
  3. I'm expecting at least 50% off...
  4. I have worked for an engineer. That picture is quite literally the way his thought process worked.
  5. I'm not saying he's stupid.. but he would have to study to be a half-wit.
  6. On the way home from a party, a wife said to her middle aged husband: "Have I ever told you how sexy and irresistible to women you are?" "I don't believe you have dear," he replied flattered. "Then what the hell gave you that idea at the party?"
  7. I laughed a little too hard at this...
  8. She's got such a narrow mind, when she walks fast her earrings bang together...
  9. If you think this post is confusing, you should sea mine.
  10. Been there. Around 1990
  11. A couple was walking on the beach at sunset. Filled with the moment, he turned and asked "did you ever imagine in your wildest dreams that we would be here together?" To which she replied, "you're not in my wildest dreams."
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