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Heck Know 32821

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Status Replies posted by Heck Know 32821

  1. Dear Tequila

    Your box will go out tomorrow A.M.

    Thank You


    1. Heck Know 32821

      Heck Know 32821

      All is good 

      Should get your box Saturday or Tuesday

      Thank you


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. The number is  698171236

    1. Heck Know 32821

      Heck Know 32821


      How much do you need for the hulls and wads, shipped,


      Robert Edmiston

      PO 293599

      Phelan, Calif 92329

  3. Sir, I don't have a lot of money currently but I can scrape together $900 if you need the cash. I'm not a low baller just short of funds. No insult intended. Just trying to help.......Regards

    1. Heck Know 32821

      Heck Know 32821

      Sir I of all earth people can understand being short of funds. I just can not let it go for that price, What if I was to pay for shipping would this help . You would not be sorry to be the owner of this fine shooting iron, you would be envied by all your posse  members . What could be better than that.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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