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Subdeacon Joe

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Status Replies posted by Subdeacon Joe

  1. Hey, SJ. Looking for advice. I don’t sleep much these days, ,Maybe 2 to 3 hours a day. I’m starting to have moments of confusion. Today I didn’t recognize the woman that lives in my rv. Also after a 15 minute nap I thought my wife was my sister. I don’t know why I’m asking you since we’ve never met  jUst a gut feeling that you might have some good advice. Thanks

    1. Subdeacon Joe

      Subdeacon Joe

      Thank you, sir.  Glad you enjoy the drivel I post.


      Milk:. Either one will work.

      Vanilla: when I make it for my wife and me I use about a pint and a half of milk-fill our cups to about a finger below the rim- add about a tablespoon of sugar, Trivia, or Splenda, a capful of vanilla extract, either real or imitation, heat it up, pour into our cups, a grate a little nutmeg on top.  Do it to your own taste.  Same for the vanilla, make it to your taste.  A few times I've tossed in an inch or two of pods that I saved after scraping the seeds .


      Other sleep aids are valerian root and skullcap.  You should be able to find them in a supermarket.  



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Hey, SJ. Looking for advice. I don’t sleep much these days, ,Maybe 2 to 3 hours a day. I’m starting to have moments of confusion. Today I didn’t recognize the woman that lives in my rv. Also after a 15 minute nap I thought my wife was my sister. I don’t know why I’m asking you since we’ve never met  jUst a gut feeling that you might have some good advice. Thanks

    1. Subdeacon Joe

      Subdeacon Joe

      Dang!   I appreciate, and am honored, that you put so much trust in me.  


      My first thought is what has been worrying you to cause the insomnia.  


      Second is that you need to get to your doctor to find out what's going on internally.


      This is going to sound corny, but have a cup of warm milk, slightly sweetened, maybe with a touch of vanilla and nutmeg. I've found that can help me get to sleep and stay asleep.


      Good luck.  Please keep me posted.



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. NYT limit:   On my ipad, I delete the NYTIMES.com cookie.  On my computers, I use a different browser to read the articles.  They all store their cookies in different places.  I could look up the NYT cookie, but have not bothered.

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