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Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

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Everything posted by Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

  1. Several years ago Sassparilla Kid gave me a Citizen Eco-Drive watch for... Father's Day? Birthday? Dang. Don't recall. At any rate, to date it's been the best watch I've ever had - does not need winding, is not inertial, no batteries to change. I'm sure it has some sort of internal storage, but the face is actually a solar cell! Supposedly, when charged it can still run for months in total darkness - which ain't gonna happen! Favorite watch I've had so far. Second favorite was another Father's Day present - a battery-powered Swiss Army watch, with a solid titanium case and band. That thing was tough, but did require battery changes every year and a half or so. Retired it when I got the Citizen, the day after accidently ripping out one of the pins that held the band on (a simple fix). Got the Citizen, put it on, and the only maintenance has been replacing worn-out watchbands - twice.
  2. I have a bunch o' revolvers... and most of 'em are single action. Load 'em up one sausage at a time. But I do have a couple of Ruger DA's ~ a GP100 (.357) and an LCRx (.38). And so I'm hoping for some opinions on speed loaders. Preferably some sort of "push button" types; the ones I have require twisting a knob - kinda tricky sometimes, since the cylinder wants to spin right along with the loader. Suggestions? Oh ~ might make good stocking stuffers for the Kid, come Christmas. He "outranks" me in the DA department.
  3. Started watching it last night ~ finishing it up tonight. So far I've enjoyed it. If you can handle subtitles you might find Night Witches In the Sky interesting. The Russians are a mite behind Hollywood on special effects ~ doesn't detract from the stories at all, in my humble opinion.
  4. Possible replacement for JB...? Governor of Maryland, Wes Moore...?
  5. Dubya-D Forty does that too. I once wrote a story....
  6. Farenheit / celsius (within six degrees F) I hate it when my 'nanner bread just takes forever to cook at 180ยบ in my Whirlypool oven and still comes out gooey in the middle. But at that temp, heck... you might as well leave the other pots and pans in there.
  7. Might be needin' some technical assistance from Kim Jong Un....
  8. Interesting. I have a large spool that I've been loading from for years... but it's stored in the garage, and has never appeared to have "dried out." But it's not exposed to the sun. FWIW, I used to sometimes have a problem with line feeding. Now, after loading the spools, I'll often give it a "flutterblast" of WD-40 ~ seems to feed much easier.
  9. As I recall, there may have been whiskey involved. And be assured ~ it was NOT loaded. In fact, the last commercially produced ammo was for the government of Yemen back in the early fifties. Since then, however....
  10. Good and fun story! But triple ace Bud Anderson passed May 17, 2024....
  11. I once saw an 1874 French Gras bayonet protruding through shingles of the Kappa Phi Delta house just like that.... I still have the bayonet. It's still on the rifle. In the hands of my son, Sassparilla Kid, about a dozen years ago.
  12. So, the second debate is planned for Tuesday, September 10. Hmmm... wondering... might there be a change in the line-up by then...?
  13. I did! I actually got to meet Mr Hornady back in the early 70's during a visit to the San Francisco Gun Exchange. Bought his reloading manual that day.
  14. 'Bout twenty years ago a couple of pards and I took our young teenage sons pheasant hunting at some club up in Butte County. We came out of the field early afternoon, and after cleaning our birds I suggested a side trip to Oroville ~ home of RCBS. Grand idea, all agreed! So, about an hour or so later, we walked in the front door and were greeted by a nice lady behind a counter or desk or some such furnishing: "Can I help you gentlemen?" "Why, we hope so! We're here for the tour!" She gaped at us for a moment, then stammered, "but we haven't done factory tours since back in the nineteen eighties!" and suggested that we settle for a visit to Huntington's Sporting Goods, right next door. Well, we were disappointed about no more RCBS factory tour, but Huntington's was terrific! Founded by Fred Hungtington, who also started RCBS, it was extremely well stocked with hunting and reloading supplies (especially RCBS!), in a museum-like setting. The place was full of hunting trophies and mounts, many of which were Fred's. Very cool indeed! That visit was definitely an acceptable consolation prize. Sadly, though, Huntington's is now gone... closed late summer of '23.
  15. Uh... I believe summer has arrived. On my shaded, screened front porch, with a nice breeze passing through....
  16. Ms Helen Brimstone about ten years ago. We were at an air show, admiring this C-47 (Betsy's Biscuit Bomber), and talking with her crew. Helen's mom, Alice Garcia, had been Donald Douglas's personal assistant/secretary during the war; when this came up in the conversation Ms Brimstone was immediately invited aboard. Alice, on her 99th birthday ~ holding her birthday gift from Hardpan.
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