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Chas B. Wolfson, SASS #11104

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Status Replies posted by Chas B. Wolfson, SASS #11104

  1. I saw your offer of 200gr 45 bullets to a fellow cowboy. If no one spoke up for those and they are something you want to part with I would be will to take them.


    Snake eye

    1. Chas B. Wolfson, SASS #11104

      Chas B. Wolfson, SASS #11104

      :FlagAm: I believe I will have to pass on such a generous and thoughtful offer.

      Chas B

  2. Hey, Chas, send me your phone number and / or email address.  I lost them (I'm old, you know.)

    1. Chas B. Wolfson, SASS #11104

      Chas B. Wolfson, SASS #11104

      :FlagAm: 480-721-6778 CP

               480-833-5820 HP




               Chas B. Wolfson / Apple Annie


               Dennis J. / Charlyne A. McCarthy

               1461 W. 7th Pl

               Mesa, AZ. 85201-4621 

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