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Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

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Everything posted by Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

  1. 25th day of the 10th month ....... ....... hoped I'd forget, ........ dintcha ...... 🤐
  2. ...... for some odd reason the whole "Halloween" thing has never been a "thing" in Australia, for which I am eternally greatfull ..... 🙃
  3. then there was the "piping" labeled GNDN ..... goes nowhere, does nothing ..... 🙃
  4. not my home club, but I shoot there regularly 😃
  5. I stand corrected; there IS a firefighting appliance that requires neither ICE nor 'lectric. 'course it won't put out a fire by itself and needs a little human help to perform it's task ...... 🙃 ... and I take my hat off to those who do ...... 🙂
  6. ........ and the state wants 'all electric' vehicles' ......... hmmmm ........ fires, started be electric lines, being fought with appliances that have no ICE motive force ....... hmmmmm ...... don't add up, ...... 🙃
  7. I have yet to be involved in an election for government where Uncle Blackwaters' cliche could not 'carry water' .... 🤐
  8. ........ when it grows up I bet it wants to be an airplane with a tail ....... 😉
  9. I have been thinking of carrying one of this type of small shovel for "stuck-in-the-mud" situations ...... .......... snow don't happen here
  10. ....... but not by all that much ......... 🙃
  11. ......... next time get a phone with a bigger screen ....... ☠️
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