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Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

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Everything posted by Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

  1. ....... let's just call it 'poetic licence' and continue on .......
  2. ....... they'll eat those too .... ....... yep, ..... and although they are 'protected' ........... they ain't ARMOUR PLATED !!
  3. 'Tis our local FORD, NISSAN, ISUZU, etc dealerships ........ ....... it was built as a tourist trapERRRRRR attraction ...... (and failed) ........ ...... the 2004 Nissan Patrol that I drive was purchased from there
  4. ...... don't knock it 'til you try it; ........... or we'll put pineapple on your pizzas .....
  5. ..........no, ...... that's a picture from the "special" bathroom at Budweiser used by 28 year old MEN who think that they can be 14 year old girls. !!!!!! .............. hmmmmmm, ..... wouldn't that make him 'under age' ?????
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