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Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

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Everything posted by Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

  1. I had one of them once. ..................... and I don't know nothing about wallabys neither .......
  2. .......................................... ain't that the truth ......
  3. ........... one of the scariest things to ever be written in braille has to be "Do Not Touch" .......
  4. ............. does this conform to the rules of this thread ???
  5. ...... I was guessing, ..... and they ARE crows ......................
  6. ................................................................................................................................................................................. yes ......
  7. ...... they made an attempt at having a "gathering" ... but only 2 showed up. ......... thus "attempted murder" ........ ..................................... the rest of them were obeying covid19 laws .....
  8. ........ perhaps the rest of them are still in my back yard ......
  9. ./.............. in this country, where seatbelts are compulsory .......... illegal without an engineers certificate and modified registration of said vehicle. ................. we don't get much fun
  10. ...........but, ....but pi are squared ...............
  11. ........................................................................................................................ ummmmm .......................................
  12. ........................ vegemite is VERY DIFFERENT to marmite .......... first off ... it starts with a "v" ........
  13. Do this nice Lady got an unattached, similarly minded sister ???? (I'd like to be able to skite too )
  14. ..... someone who likes to tell everyone how good he has it; ...................................or how good he is
  15. ............ he's the skite, not me. ....................................... skiting about his wonderful girlfriend allatime ........ never introducing her to us .........
  16. I'm beginning to think that these things are as evil as they taste .......
  17. wallabyjack300557@gmail.com ................ if you would be so kind, please.
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