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Best of Luck to All

Swift Stoney 49735

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I truly wish all who are going to be able to participate in EOT this year the best of luck and a safe match. Maybe one day when I grow up I can go and be bedazzled and amazed by all there is to see and do.



I'll think about ya while there, well, maybe, nah, I'm not gonna promise anything, will be to busy enjoying myself but I might bring you some pictures. There I go promising something which I said I wasn't gonna do.


Sorry, couldn't resist. Sorry you can't make it. Will be glad to tell ya all about it at the GA State Match in Sept. (Sort of rub it in) Might even bring the picts.



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  • 2 weeks later...


Sorry you're not here either, we love shooting with you and 'Nama! Maybe someday soon. Enjoyed shooting my 'warm up match' with ya'll in Covington Saturday.


The weather is great! Temperatures have been around 100 the past two days, but the humidity is in the single digits! We didn't even break a sweat! And it's supposed to be in the 50s tomorrow night! It hasn't rained in quite a while here, so there's a fire risk, and everything outdoors (old cowboys included) gets dusty after a short period of time. There are also 'dust devils' that start up- we've seen several, and one hit the ranch while people were shooting yesterday, but we weren't there.

We shot 6 practice stages yesterday, which did not count towards anything. We got to shoot with a lot of our fellow southeastern shooters, which made it nice. It really helped us condition ourselves to the thin air, the dust, changes in our equipment (I bought the wrong type of shotgun shells, for example) and gave us a chance to shoot the same targets as in the match. It's also a good gauge of what mindset we're in and how we are shooting, which for me builds confidence.

Today is a light day- we probably won't stay at the ranch long, if at all. There are side matches and an opening ceremony tonight. We plan to travel northwest up to Santa Fe, possibly today.

Say hello to 'Nama for us. Capt. Nono says hello.



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Warning--this is along post as many want to hear so much and we only have a little time to tell you, so-------


Boy howdy, it gets right tiring out there in the dust and wind. Already lost my voice a couple times. We's coughin' up dust all night long. Saw buffalo herd yesterday. More and more vendors showin' up--oh, lordy, please figure out how we can come up with more $. Side matches today. Most competitive shooters are not shootin' 'cuz of the DQ forward rule. I is dang busy workin' receptions and such. They also put the side matches, waddie shoot, demos, gatling gun, cannons in exact center of range, so all have to walk extra 3-4 berms worth to get from stage 6 to 7. Dust devils come and go--they are not like a storm--more like a little twister that is only one-two person size. Shooters are told if one hits them while in a stage, they can stop and reshoot. The rest of us just cover up and keep our mouths and eyes closed if one hits us.

Accordin' to Southpaw, Silvermane, Joe Darter and some of our other CA and NV shooters--stages not too rough--one Texas Star, one swingin' target behind a cowboy--you're not supposed to hit him, while alternatin' shots. Knockdown rack where you have to hit one circle, then hit buffalo at 35 yards, then one target and then buffalo, etc. with rifle. Well, gots ta go do laundry ( I wonder why?) and then head out to set up for four receptions tonight--at least we gets to enjoy one of them.


Will write more as we can. Edward S Canby started a thread with pictures from last weekend, Don't know if he'll keep it up all week, but worth a look-see for the first weekend.

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Bluff, thanks for the update. I am so green with envy my clients think I have been taken over by aliens.


The weather sounds interesting. I had not even considered it as a factor when thinking of attending matches out of our region. Yet another variable to factor in.


Glad you had the practice stages. We all needed a boost after last Saturday. I think I figured out my '73 problem. I found some 38spl in the batch I was shooting in the 1.45" range which is a bit short for the rifle. I reloaded some new rounds in the 1.50" range and plan to see how they shoot. Really frustrating to be chugging along on a stage and have your rifle go South. I should quit whinning since I an not the only person in the world to have an equipment problem.


Just know we are pulling for you and Ruff Edge and are proud you are representing us southeasterners (is that a word???). Take lots and lots of pictures so you can share with us at the July Mule Camp.

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-->The weather sounds interesting. I had not even considered it as a factor when -thinking of attending matches out of our region. Yet another variable to factor in.

We had a dust devil take over a stage, causing the shooter to cease fire (he got a reshoot) (and did worse!), and it was strong enough to knock over big steal targets!

-->think I figured out my '73 problem. I found some 38spl in the batch I was shooting in the 1.45" range which is a bit short for the rifle. I reloaded some new rounds in the 1.50" range and plan to see how they shoot. Really frustrating to be chugging along on a stage and have your rifle go South. I should quit whinning since I an not the only person in the world to have an equipment problem.

I told ya so! Try dropping an unloaded gun at EoT (I did). Talk about frustrating!

--> Just know we are pulling for you and Ruff Edge and are proud you are representing us southeasterners (is that a word???). Take lots and lots of pictures so you can share with us at the July Mule Camp.

We took a lot of pictures and video. We'll share them!

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