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Visiting EOT

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Cannot shoot but may want to visit for a day and walk venders row. Any charge for this for SASS members or free with membership?





I believe there is a charge if you are not registered for the match. At least that was my take on it last year when a non shooting friend met us at EOT. More to do with parking cars and space and such.


Poor way (charge admission) to promote the sport to the general public. There just hasn't been that many civilians at any match I've ever attended.

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Parking is $2.00 and admission is $10.00 at the gate.  Children under 12 are free.





:blink: Sad; Membership, especially life membership, should get a person free addmission to the venders. I can understand the parking fee.


Please let the venders know I will not be spending money there this year. Probably see them at Winter Range next year.



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:blink: Sad; Membership, especially life membership, should get a person free addmission to the venders. I can understand the parking fee.


Please let the venders know I will not be spending money there this year. Probably see them at Winter Range next year.





Sour Grapes!!! It's not the vendors' fault that those not registered have to pay a fee--talk to the Wild Bunch!!! Don't boycott the vendors--most are there to try and make money to cover their expenses for travelling around to shoots the rest of the year.

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Sour Grapes!!!  It's not the vendors' fault that those not registered have to pay a fee--talk to the Wild Bunch!!!  Don't boycott the vendors--most are there to try and make money to cover their expenses for travelling around to shoots the rest of the year.



Please re-read. I am not faulting the vendors! I know it is the WB decission.



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I just read this and took you literally.

Please let the venders know I will not be spending money there this year.
All folks visiting at EOT will have to pay to get in. It's a Founders' Ranch thing. :huh:


Come on out and see the vendors anyway. They need support from all of us.


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I just read this quote and took you literally.

Please let the venders know I will not be spending money there this year.  DDWD


All folks visiting at EOT will have to pay to get in. It's a Founders' Ranch thing. :huh:


Come on out and see the vendors anyway. They need support from all of us.


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:D Several of them are here in Phoenix. Also I shop on line with many of them. Just sent two pistols for Tru Ivory grips. Also just got a new holster set for B Western.


I will see them at the SASS Convention this year & Winter Range next year and do my part to keep them in business!




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Guest Tom Muley, SASS #27759

Most the vendors are little mom and pop type, that aren't making a bunch on their adventure. Some will be local craftsmen and artist, local food vendors, and who knows what else. When I go to these types of events I try support those people that have what I need or like, at least I have to eat and drink something somewhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

'Scuse my ignorance, but I was a visitor at last EOT on the last day, and I believe there was a rope separating the seats / bleachers and the actual shooting area. There were some people watching the match up close, but it didn't appear that we on the west side of that rope were supposed to cross the line, so I didn't and couldn't see what was happening.


Who gets to cross the line and watch the matches up close? Or was I mistaken, and I could have joined the spectators on the east side of the rope?


I'll be there this year and hope to be watching the matches from nearer the actual shooting, not limited to standing on the west side of the rope.


Any info would be great - See y'all there,


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Only registered shooters may be on the range side of the barricade. I agree, it really hurts the spectator's view, but it is a safety issue. Lots of bullet splatter and too loud without hearing protection. Those you see watching close are other shooters who aren't currently shooting.

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