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Well... this is different ~ california's latest "green scheme"

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On 4/5/2024 at 1:19 AM, Sedalia Dave said:

Just wait... To pay for all those solar panels, Emperor Newsom will add an income based surcharge to everyone's electric bill AND he'll add a matching surcharge to everyone's water bill. Got to keep everything equitable don't cha know. 


The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has announced that it will increase rates and property taxes throughout the region over the next two years as the state grapples with fundamental changes to its water supply and usage.

District leaders said the increases are necessary to cover the costs of importing and treating water, as well as finance climate change adaptations to infrastructure and make up for declines in revenue due to widespread conservation efforts


The district’s 38-member board voted Tuesday to raise water rates 8.5% in 2025 and an additional 8.5% in 2026. This will increase costs for 26 cities and retail suppliers that receive imported water delivered by the MWD.

The budget adopted by the board also calls for doubling the MWD’s property tax assessment in its six-county area — the first such increase to its ad valorem tax rate in over 30 years.


MWD will hike water rates and taxes to cover rising costs and conservation efforts (msn.com)

Edited by PowderRiverCowboy
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