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My Books are on sale

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I thought I'd mention a "great deal." I am pleased to announce that the first 5 books in my Chronicles of Analamar series, Kindle e-book editions, are on sale for just 99 cents each! But wait, there's more! Book six is on sale for the incredible low price of FREE! Granted, it is just the e-book versions that can be had such bargain prices, but well, hey, the whole series is available this way for a remarkably low price! So, if you haven't read them yet, this is a great chance to get them all for a really fantastic price.

(Oh, and yeah, if you don't have a Kindle, you can download a Kindle reader for your computer that is also 100% free.)

Anyway, you can find the books here...


Feel free to consider them, or ignore them, as you see fit.  :)


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