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Lotsa SASS Type Guns at my LGS!

H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619

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To my fellow New England shootists.

Pete's Gun and Tackle up in Hudson NH has a plethora of SASS type guns in stock.   They recently acquired about 800 guns from someone.  At the moment, he has a plethora of Rugers on the shelf, a Mitchell Arms SAA Clone (that I almost bought), and "Ted Williams" M94 .30-30.   He's also got a bunch of WWII era rifles for sale, and told me that there is a lot more stuff that he still has to log in before he can put it on display.   I was told that he has "four boxes" full of Cimarron revolvers that he has to go through, all NIB.   He's not sure yet what they are, but he's got 'em.

So if your looking for a used Ruger, many of which are unfired, they've got them there.   

I told the owner, Mike, that I'd tell my Cowboy friends that he had these things.  Tell him, "Kevin sent me."   It won't get you, or me, a discount, but it'll let him know that I spread the word.  :)

Oh, I picked up a nice 9422 in .22 S,L,LR.   Been looking for one of those for a long time.  

Happy shooting.

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