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Native Gold

Subdeacon Joe

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"Goldfield Nevada. Nevada’s Treasures. Unique Epithermal High Grade Gold Specimen. A solid band of Native Gold encompasses a fragment of Dacite, Cryptocrystalline Quartz and Alunite are on the other side of the Au band. A spectacular deposition !! If you look at Gold specimens from other places, most of them show the gold as a “brassy” appearance, that is generally because the Gold has a higher content of natural alloy, less purity in the Gold, the higher the “fineness” in the Gold, the richer in color the Gold will be. The rich mines of Goldfield Nevada carried a very high fineness between 840-860, high purity refinement is 999, common natural purity is around the 500-600 range. The Native Gold at Goldfield is darker and richer in color as to the high fineness of its Gold content."







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