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Last Stand at Thunder River - 2020

Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

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The Thunder River Renegades (TRR) is again hosting its annual match, Last Stand at Thunder River.


This year we are calling it "Who was that Masked Man?" in honor of everyone having to wear masks for the better part of this year--you find humor where you can.


It's a two day event so Fri, the 4th will be side matches, pistol-caliber silhouette side match and check-in.  Saturday, Dec 5th is the main match of 5 stages, hamburgers/hot dogs proveded by the club while side dishes are asked of everyone coming.


We have raffles of a hand-made Texas Flag quilt, a Ruger Revolver and a Henry .22 lever action rifle.


Standard cowboy swap meeting where everyone exchanges their "stuff" for others.


It'll be a nice club annual for any snowbirds wanting to get out of the northern climate for a time.


Attached please find a list of categories available, computer-fillable registration form and list of Fri's side matches.


TRR's website is:  https://thunderriverrenegades.com/#    Last Stand's section:  https://thunderriverrenegades.com/event/1st-saturday-match-2020-12-05/2020-12-04/







list of SIDE MATCHES.pdf Silhouette Side Match.pdf category listA 2020 for regisration form.pdf Registration Form - LSTR 2020-D-Fillable.pdf

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