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I run an older Mac Mini.

My browser is Google Chrome.

I received an invitation to up grade the Chrome and I did so.

Now anytime I open Chrome I get ASK.COM as my browser window. Now I'm not picky but that app is a POS. I want to open in Google as I had before. I can't even find it to delete it.



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I don't know, but I think you're asking how can you change your default search engine. Your "help" may help you, or go to System Preferences and see if there is a category that fits. I'd go in there and search on search engine or browser, maybe.

I'm really not a computer geek. I just try and struggle through.


I cannot say.


If it were me, I'd take my computer into one of the computer/electronics stores that can build you a computer and talk to them, let them see it... The guy may know, and it may be easy like clicking on a ting or two. Or even if it's complicated, he should be able to do it while you wait.


If he can't do it while you wait, I'd take it to another store.


My own opinion is the computer companies don't make these things as easy as they could be so that people can do what they actually want to do with them. It feels to me more like they make them easy in some ways so people can do things with them, but streamline the easy stuff so you're doing what THEY want you to do with them, e.g., take their upgrades, cloud what they want to datamine/resell. It's a multi-billion dollar business, I've seen on 60 Minutes. Which makes it hard to step out of line with what they offer.


But it's also my understanding that if you seek, you should find, eventually, a way around most problems, and a good computer repair/build store may be helpful. I hope so, and that some dude isn't taking advantage of you...


I don't know what to asy, but best wishes, and I do soooooo sympathize.

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I don't have Chome on a Mac but I imagine the settings are similar to Windows.


If you go into the Settings screen (try typing "chrome://settings" in your address field) there will be a section called On Startup. Click the button below it that says "Open a specific page or set of pages." Then click the link next to that where it says "Set pages." Type the address of the page you want to use as a start page, or click "Use current pages" if you've already browsed to the page you want in another tab. (I think.)


If you see a line with the Ask.com address in the "Set pages" box, there should be an "X" or something by it so you can delete it.


I really wish there was a "Nuke Ask from orbit" button.

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