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Beretta Stampede

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I've been thinking about getting a Stampede for a while, now. Not for SASS, just for an everyday carry gun. I like the transfer bar safety, along with the "Colt" type lock-work.


I just don't hear much about them. There was a lot of discussion a few years ago when they were first introduced, but not much since.


Anybody shooting them? Problems? Or a good all around gun.


And just because I know it's coming, I'm not interested in Rugers. I don't care for the feel of them. Thanks for the thought, but no thanks.


Sgt. C.J. Sabre

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Bought one in 357Mag a few years ago. Figured I should have one popgun in the arsenal. It gets used occasionally in FCD. One of the grip panels cracked on me. Did a JB weld repair on mine. I've heard of others getting free replacements from Beretta. Going to replace them eventually any way. Other problem was the ejector rod screw backing out. Little bit of locktite cured that.


Otherwise, the gun shoots fine. Ergonomics must be good as I get infrequent comments about having a good rhythm when shooting it on the clock. Finish is really nice and has been holding up well to BP and holster wear.

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