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Gasoline Prices

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According to this report gas prices should decline to $3.50 a gallon around the time of EOT and then increase to $5 a gallon late in the summer. $3.50 a gallon isn't cheap fuel but that price will help shooters driving large vehicles.

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as this is the first time we are renting an RV

lower gas prices will help to have a couple of dollars left to buy some nice new things at the EOT.


see ya all in a couple off weeks

Dutch Bear

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THAT'S GOOD NEWS..since we're traggin' the trailer all the way from Orygun.... B)

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What about Diesel price?



It's presently around $3.90 a gallon locally. I haven't seen any predictions where its price is headed.


Update: I found diesel for 3.86 a gallon on June 9th and gasoline for $3.36.

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