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Posse Lists

Jackaroo, # 29989

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Anyone seen any posse listing from CD Tom as yet for EoT?

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They post posse lists before it starts?


Yes, ma'am... but don't look for them until sometime in early June. If CD Tom has your email address, you'll be notified when the initial pass has been completed. Usually, there are 3-4 iterations before they're finalized.


Regards, TJH

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I believe the first week in June is when the first version comes out.


What I would like to see is lists of registered shooters by category.... F'rinstance, all the buckaroos & buckarettes, all the young guns boys & girls, all of the cowboys & cowgirls, etc. And that could be posted now, and updated once a week as registrations come in.


After all, it has to be done sometime.


Just wishin'


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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree... so far I do it the old fashinoned way...make lists by hand...

keeps me out of trouble... :ph34r:

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