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Buckshot Bear

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Everything posted by Buckshot Bear

  1. Jeez I've never seen that expensive
  2. The Big Mango
  3. Jeez.....not sure if I'm ever eating one again now
  4. Big Beer Cans Adelaide
  5. Big Trout Admirably (snowy Mountains) built in 1973
  6. We call these Cocktail Frankfurts -
  7. Ned Kelly. Glenrowan Victoria
  8. The big uggs - Newcastle NSW
  9. AWAS range practice with Owen Guns. Members of the Australian Women's Army Service being instructed in the use of the Owen Gun at Belmont in Queensland. From left to right: Lance Bombardier Lorna Molloy, Gunner Francis Fowler, Gunner Pamela Holden, instructor Warrant Officer Gilbert Page. Ronald N. Keam 062586 Circa 1942 Following the end of the Second World War, the service was wound down and ceased to exist by 30 June 1947 when all members of the AWAS had been demobilised.
  10. Upmarket (hoity toity) fly strips
  11. The big dog collar. Ballam park Victoria
  12. It seems like we have a lot Abilene
  13. Kyogle's giant bush turkey - it ways 16 tonnes
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