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Buckshot Bear

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Everything posted by Buckshot Bear

  1. A non uniform day in Oz is called a 'mufti day'
  2. Crotalaria cunninghamii Called the green birdflower (Crotalaria cunninghamii), this plant is related to peas and beans. It can grow up to 9 feet tall and has fuzzy, gray-green leaves. But its intriguing flowers are what have attracted legions of fans around the world. Each one is shaped like the body of a tiny hummingbird in flight.
  3. School kids in Australia wear their school uniform (every school has a different uniform) but mostly all shoes are black leather.
  4. These may have just been an Aussie thing?
  5. Hot and with salt....OMG....just like Wallaby said delicious! That's why my gun belt grows
  6. A guy goes to a psychologist and the doc wants to do a Rorschach ink blot test.He shows the man the first blot, "What do you see here" he asked."Two people having sex in the missionary position" replied the man.The doc made a note and showed the man a second blot."That's three people having sex"The doc made another note and showed the man another blot."Two people doing it doggie style while the third one watches".The doc makes another notation and shows the man a final blot."Wow" exclaimed the man, "that's trhee people having sex with a goat."The psychologist puts the blots aside and says to the man "It seems fairly obvious, you have an abnormal fascination with sex.""Me?" says the man indignantly, "You're the one with all the dirty pictures".
  7. The only difference Dave is with Aussie Potato Scallops they aren't made from mashed potatoes, they are just a plain thick slice of potato that is battered and then deep fried.
  8. Thanks for the post John! Vegemite seems to be VERY polarizing, you either love the stuff or loath it. Being brought up from babies on the stuff Aussies are in the former. 2, is just a plain old banger (that's what we call a sausage here in Oz) on a slice of bread with tomato sauce (what yo guys call ketchup). 3. Some Aussies have 'upmarketed' avo on toast and added Feta cheese....I like just plain smashed avo on my toast. 4. You would be hard pressed to go to a child's birthday party in Oz and there wasn't 'Fairy bread' on the table....white buttered bread sprinkled with hundreds and thousands.....and you will see adults partake in them to recapture their childhoods https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairy_bread
  9. Uh Oh https://www.buzzfeed.com/michellerennex/australian-battered-potatoes
  10. Back in the day
  11. Four Aussie favs
  12. The Aussie Potato Scallop
  13. My Dad used to drink it now and again....it was touted as a 'meal in a bottle' .... I can't stand the taste of it.
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