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Popcorn Kelly

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About Popcorn Kelly

  • Birthday 03/23/1956

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Illowa Irregulars; Fort Des Moines Rangers

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  • Location
    Bettendorf, Iowa

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  1. Thanks, it'll definitely be a challenge for the buffalo shooting group. Dolittle is quickly turning Illowa Irregulars' Buffalo Shoot into one of the best in the upper Midwest. The match combined with ease of travel, along with plenty of very nearby places to stay if you're from out of town, makes this a great match to put on your calendar in 2025.
  2. What would you expect the delivery time frame would be? PK
  3. Leroy, Are the rifle characteristics set or can it still be customized? If set, what did you order? PK
  4. On a related note, we've just set our 2025 Buffalo Shoot schedule. We'll be holding Buffalo Shoots on Saturday, May 17, Sunday, July 27, and Saturday, October 18, 2025. Also, Match Director Dolittle B. Ernest is planning to do something a little different at the May match: Shooters will engage the traditional buffalo herds twice at the 300-yard distances described above, then for the third round of shooting all shooters will move to the 600-yard berm and stationary targets at 600 yards. More information will be forthcoming, but if you like this kind of shooting, be sure to mark the dates on your calendar and make your way to the Quad Cities. We will be posting updates on our website www.illowairregulars.com. If you want to receive automatic updates about these matches enter your email address in the Subscribe to Blog via Email box in the upper right corner of our homepage. PK
  5. Illowa Irregulars posted two videos of their 2024 Illinois State Championship on YouTube recently. Part 1 contains mostly videos of people shooting match stages; Part 2 is comprised of mostly photos of the match, the Mississippi Riverboat Dinner Cruise, and the Awards Ceremony. Part 1 can be viewed here; Part 2 can be viewed here. If you would like to download a copy of the Event Program click here. PK
  6. The 2024 Illinois State Championship is history, and what a match it was. I may be a bit biased, but it was a spectacular event, if I say so myself. 10 fantastic stages, another outstanding Saturday evening Riverboat Dinner Cruise on the Mississippi, and wonderful weather. Go to our website to download/view the scores: www.illowairregulars.com. Congratulations to Duke Skywalker and Cooncan for taking top Men’s and Ladies honors, to the newly crowned Illinois Champions, Foyster O’Rippy and Turkey Legs, as well as the 40 Clean Shooters, as well as to all the newly crowned Category Champions which are too numerous to mention here. We also set up and shot the State and Club Record stage as part of the competition (Stage 6). Congratulations to the 17 new State Record 22 new Club Record holders. In terms of the Illinois Against the World Border War, the Outlanders came out on top. Go to our website to download/view the scores: www.illowairregulars.com, Click here to view the event photos. Click here to download the Event Program. Popcorn Kelly
  7. To add to Chancy's post, you can register in advance for the October 19 Buffalo shoot at: https://illowairregulars.com/october-19-2024-buffalo-shoot-registration-form/ and the October 20 Cowboy match at: https://illowairregulars.com/october-20-2024-match-registration-form/ You can also register on site, but it's always nice for us if we have a general head count.
  8. If you're referring to illowa, it is a local phrase that reflects the unique geography of this area. In many respects, we are a single metro area that is bisected by the Illinois Iowa state line - Illowa is taken from the from the first part of Illinois and the last part of Iowa. In addition to our cowboy club, there are actually a few regional businesses that have picked up that moniker. PS. I live in Iowa (the normal pronunciation).
  9. For those that are interested in long-range Buffalo Shoot matches, I compiled and posted a video of our July Buffalo Shoot. We have one more Buffalo Shoot scheduled for October 19. If you'd like to attend, click here to register. We will be releasing the 2025 schedule late this year. PK
  10. Here is a link to a 17-minute video showing a few highlights from the 2024 Missouri State Cowboy Action Shooting Championship June 26-29, hosted by Butterfield Trail Cowboys. Congratulations to Matt Black for taking top Men's Shooter and Missouri State Champion titles, to Jackie Diamond for taking the Missouri State Ladies Championship, and to Missouri Mae for taking top Lady Shooter honors.
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