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Everything posted by Raylan

  1. 3 hours ago, Chicken Rustler, SASS #26680 said: "You left out the part about those votes being rejected, so where's the fraud? Once the ballot gets into the system there is zero difference between the absentee ballots you love and the other mail ballots you hate. Why didn't you stop at #1 and fix that problem first, instead of glossing over that and concentrating on problems that aren't real? This is being done for the exact same reason as closing polling places to make in person voting harder." Seems to have touched a nerve for you. I live in Illinois and have seen voter fraud again and again out of Chicago. People threatened and beaten for having the wrong yard sign. City workers on city time putting up candidates signs and tearing down other candidates signs. Dead people voting for years after they are dead. Addresses where dozens of individuals are all registered at the same address though none seem to live there but they vote. Mail in voting opens up yet another door for ballot fraud. And many votes won't be rejected but we'll never have a way to know how many fraudulant votes there are that were counted. Especially when those charged with counting and investigating are in the pocket of the party in power. As per difficulty voting- most states now have early voting and absentee voting so people have an easier time voting now than in past years.
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