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Max Payne

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Posts posted by Max Payne

  1. Federal. I'll likely buy 20K the next time I see you if you have them. We're gonna shoot Fla St, Ala St, SW Regional, Ga. St., Tn. St., & the SER. Which will you be attending?


    And, I was glad when you had them when I needed them.

  2. I just ordered a Gen 2 Mr. Bulletfeeder, so I can part with the Gen 1 that I am currently using. I use it almost everyday, & I can load 100 bullets in less than 3 minutes if I don't run into a split case or need to load bullets, powder or primers.


    I'll send you a PM so you can call me. I'd like to also give you a preview of the learning process, etc.

  3. Received this email, which appears to be a SCAM attempt. If you know otherwise, let me know.


    From: dynamic Eric <dynamice74@gmail.com>
    Date: September 27, 2024 at 2:06:46 PM EDT
    To: Max'es Email address ( removed it for this)
    Subject: White Ruger Grip for NMV .45
    Hello Max I’m messaging you concerning the White Ruger Grip for NMV .45, I have a for sale in a perfect condition kindly get back to me with your shipping info if you’re still interested searching.
    I still want one, just prefer to buy a real one instead of just giving someone my money.
  4. I have two of the Frankford arsenal vibra tubes. They hang up about 5-8 times while I'm loading 100, & I have to take it apart each time & straighten it out. I've tried everything from holding it at different angles, tapping it on the bench, using silicone spray (don't do this one), whatever I could think of. I even bought the 2nd one thinking maybe it was the one, but the new one does the same thing.


    This machine is a pain, but it's better than using the pickup tubes.


    If I knew the Hornady works perfectly, or close to perfectly, I'll spring for the price.

  5. Obviously, the best advice will come from the known fast guys, like Deuce & Junky on this topic.

    However, I can share my experience in my own evolution, & I have decreased my stage times significantly over the last year, & that year over the previous. Here are some things I have learned:

    If I try to shoot fast, I jack a round. If I think more about fast than hitting every single target every single time, I'm going to jack a round.

    I decide on a cadence, ESPECIALLY for a dump, or 4+ shots on a target that is safe for me, & it isn't as fast as I think I can shoot.

    I practice, usually 300-400 rounds/week. I'm fortunate to have a setup in my backyard with a mountain as my berm.

    If I have a misfire, I give the mainspring a quarter turn tighter.

    If it's a cold day (like 35 degrees or colder), & I'm at a shoot where I don't get a warmup stage to test everything, I'll tighten the mainspring a quarter-turn anyway, cause I know it's more likely to misfire on a cold morning.

    Even if it's a dump, focus on every single shot hitting the target. If you do that, & if you practice at least once/week, the speed will take care of itself.


    It's a lot like golf, as others have pointed out before. If you try to hit the ball hard, it doesn't work out. If you swing smoothly & correctly, you'll be amazed at how far the ball goes & how well things turn out. That's the only thing I learned at golf, because even though I played regularly & faithfully once a year, I never got any better.

  6. Snakebite, I always felt I had to have the fastest bike available. I won't go thru the list of approximately 60 bikes I've owned since I was 14YO (I'm 69). When I was young, I pretty much rode it like I stole it every time I was on one. i was in continual race mode. My son & I got our road race licenses when I was 58Yo, & we started doing track days in preparation to race WERA. Had a big crash at Nashville Superspeedway & got a helicopter ride to the Vanderbilt Trauma center.


    That knocked the Fast out of me. I've since owned a 2007 Screamin Eagle Ultra & a 2007 Kawasaki Concours, both extremely fast bikes. I realized that I never rode them fast anymore. I rarely got the Concours over 3500RPM, with a redline around 9000. What I know now is, I don't have to have the fastest, because I don't ride like that anymore. The articles, including road tests on the new Bonneville T120 are incredible. I think that's the bike for me, but I have equal respect for the T100, especially this gorgeous Red & Black one on this thread.


    P.S. the Nortons were always a lot faster than the Triumphs, but the Triumphs handled better.

  7. You probably got what you need by now. I bought a 66 new 3 years ago, & the loading gate broke almost immediately. Somebody in the know told me what to buy from Uberti, & I just looked up my notes from the time. I got one from Uberti & installed it. Mine took the large screw.


    110313 – Ordered aftermarket Loading Gate. BA:220127/lgAftermarket Loading Gate (1866) Large Diam Screw Hole .115" OD (2005+) Quantity : 1 Price : US$35.00. Got it from VTI Gunparts.


    I had a lot of problems with that rifle, that could be attributed to who initially did the slick up & SS work. However, that same person built a 73 for me that was bulletproof. Once I got the 66 running perfectly & knew it would perform for a new owner, I sold it. That cowboy emailed me after about a year just to tell me how much he loved it.


    Anyway, I'm strictly a 73 man now. 18" Cimmaron Brush Popper in 38/357 from Marshall Harland Wolfe. It works every time so I can focus on my shooting without worrying about the equipment.

  8. Absolutely gorgeous!!! Had a 1957 Triumph Cub, a 1960 650 TR6, 1967 650 Bonneville, 1969 Norton 750 Roadster, 1975 Norton 850 Hi-Rider, & later another 1975 Norton 850 Hi-Rider. I'm currently trying to resist buying a 2017 Bonneville T120 that I was drooling over in the showroom yesterday. I thought I was thru riding when I sold my 2007 Screamin' Eagle Ultra & my 2009 Concours about 6 months ago, but I'm starting to get withdrawal shakes.

  9. +1 on Hoss. Red Dot, 7/8 oz Claybuster, 7 1/2 shot, or 8 if I can't get the 7 1/2. Remington STS or Winchester. STS will last 4 times longer. I'll PM a recipe for 890fps, which handle all knock-downs for the Missus & me at the 4 clubs we shoot with,


    When we shoot States, Regionals, EOT, we use factory Winchester Featherlights, just to be absolutely sure I didn't booger one up in the batch.

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