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Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

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Posts posted by Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770

  1. 4 hours ago, Eyesa Horg said:

    That reminds of first time had to pick up tampons as the wife had the flu. I walk into the convenience store up the road and nearly die when I see all the choices. I knew what the box looked like..... but size!!!! Rated right up there with buying condoms when you're a teenager!


    4 hours ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

     One time she ran out (not bad planning, just a flow that was about 3x normal) and couldn't go out because of cramps.   "Look for purple box."  There I was in Walmart looking at the 50 foot long,  10 foot high wall of the versions fo the product. Call her, ask her the brand,  the type, the specific wording on the box. 

    When I was tasked with such purpose, I took a picture of the previously obtained box with my phone, because I was knowledgeable enough to know what I was in for. 

    • Like 4
  2. I don't reload, but I'll go out on a limb here and guess that if he doesn't wear gloves during the reloading process, that any fingerprints will remain on the case because he's not going to place loaded ammunition in a tumbler. Just a guess mind you.

  3. 20 hours ago, Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 said:

    This may contain: a black and white quote with the words i've learned so much from my mistakes, i'm thinking of making a few more


    1 hour ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

    That has suited me well over the years, but now I'm old enough I can't think of any mistakes I haven't made already. :blink:

    Forty, I have full confidence that you'll find plenty more. Just give it time. Give it time.

    • Haha 1
  4. 14 hours ago, Bisley Joe said:



    I currently live in Show Low, AZ.

    I may move, but not sure where to. Any advice and input is welcome.


    I like mountains and four seasons with snow.

    Creeks and little rivers.

    I want to avoid anti-gun or lukewarm states.

    I would like to find some land, affordable, and build a little house on it.

    I like hiking, canoeing, and adventure driving: 4x4 and motorcycle.


    In Arizona, I like the high country: Flagstaff, Prescott...  I don't like the lack of water or the damned forest fires.


    5 minutes ago, irish ike, SASS #43615 said:

    No one mentioned "gun" friendly laws. That will eliminate Washington, Oregon, maybe Colorado.

    You already mention that you like the Arizona high country Flagstaff and Prescott. Since you're already IN Arizona it would be a lot less work than to move anywhere else. If you choose Prescott, you've got Uncle Forty Rod to show you around, AND you already know that Arizona is just about the most gun friendly state there is.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Chantry said:

    The problem with some SUV/Mini Vans is that they have roof racks making it hard to remove  the snow and the snow/ice in between the roof racks will come flying off in large pieces on the highways.  Just read a news headline where a large piece of ice came off a vehicle and went through the front windshield of an 18 wheeler injuring the driver.


    56 minutes ago, Pat Riot said:

    Yeah, getting the snow off our Suburban roof is kind of a hassle and it’s not lifted. It’s just a high roof. I need to use a push broom and good footing. I about fell on my arse the other day. :lol:
    Snow on the roof after a “wet” snow can be bad if it comes off and hits someone. Powder is no biggie until the roof heats and causes ice under the snow. Then it becomes a use sheet coming off the roof. 

    Think about the truck drivers out there. A standard box truck or trailer, whether a 27 ft pup, a 36, 40, 48, 53 OR 56 foot is as much as 13 feet off the ground. There is NO provision for the driver to climb on top of it to even attempt to clear it off. Yet the driver is liable for any damage caused by snow or ice flying off the trailer. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Cowtown Scout, SASS #53540 L said:

    Believe there is the Silent Generation between the Greatest and the Bommers.


    7 minutes ago, Pat Riot said:


    Well that's CERTAINLY not Forty!

    • Haha 2
  7. 15 minutes ago, Rip Snorter said:

    It is important to me to live in a free state.  Though the MT Supreme Court is working on it, generally, so far, so good.

    I don't think that you can much free-er. Open carry OR concealed carry with no permit, though a Shall Issue permit is available. Most cops, (that aren't new from somewhere else) don't have a problem with it. If you have a lifted vehicle, nobody cares. No helmet laws, (even though it IS a good idea). 

    What ELSE are you looking for?

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Pat Riot said:

    They passed a law that you can’t heat your driveway? That makes no sense. Why would they care if you pay for it?

    Because then you're not dependent on THEM to dig you out. Those types do NOT want you to be able to do for yourself. They want to take all your money, spend most of it on people who didn't earn it, give you a little of it back,  THEN tell you how you should spend it. 

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  9. 1 minute ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

    You NEED to move!  I have experienced 4"-5" snow once maybe twice, in the ten + years I've lived in Central  Arizona. 

    I've experienced 4"-5" snow ZERO times in Tucson. A COUPLE times we had about an inch or so, but it left almost as fast as it showed up.

  10. On 1/6/2025 at 11:27 AM, Stump Water said:

    People say Rio Bravo, El Dorado and Rio Lobo are all the same movie.


    So what?


    On 1/6/2025 at 12:24 PM, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

    And even though we have the DVDs of them, we STILL stop and watch whenever they're on.

    It was just on two nights ago. And yes, we watched it again.

  11. 1 hour ago, Maddog McCoy SASS #5672 said:

    Just hope i don't get stuck moving more of her stuff to storage, I filled a 10x30 storage unit last year. It took 6 round trips of 460 miles to move her stuff and I really hope I don't have to move any of her stuff next month.

    You will.B)

    • Sad 1
  12. They ALL have phones. Remember the Obamaphone program? It's still in effect. I frequently see popup tents touting "FREE PHONE!" across the street from Parks where the bums hang out. As for charging? No problem. The City Parks have electrical service in them, ostensibly so that when a family comes to use the facility, (which they don't BECAUSE of all the bums hanging out there), they can plug in a radio or some such. The bums charge their phones THERE.  

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  13. One of my favorite Waffle House experiences was back in 2018, on my first road trip back to Ohio. I stopped for breakfast in Tulsa on the way home. 

    The waitress was a slightly older woman for a waitress, (50ish), and had been on duty all night, so when she stopped to take my order, she just sat across from me in the booth while she did so. As I ordered, she commented on my selections, either agreeing with them, or telling me what she would have instead. It took several minutes to place what would normally be a 30 second order. And we had a nice conversation. 

    Just remembered another Waffle House from the same trip. Supper in St. Louis Mo. The place wasn't busy, it was about 8:30 at night, only two employes working, a couple nice black girls. There was only maybe two other customers in the place, so they weren't busy. They were conversing loudly, just having a good time at work, (I know, against policy most places), talking about what they do off duty. 

    One was telling about the clubs she went to, and told the other about picking up guys. She said one of her favorites was to go up to a guy and accuse him of owing her mother back child support! I was laughing too hard to hear whether it worked or not. 

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