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Territorial Governors
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Everything posted by McCandless

  1. Updating the Holster Maker listing. Trying to make a list of who currently makes gun rigs for our game. I'll start off with a few. There must be hundreds of good leatherworkers out there. Please add who made your holsters, that you'd recommend, and who is still in the business. Include their contact information so new shooters can find them! Alphono's Gun Leather https://alfonsosgunleather.com/western.html Artistic Blades Western http://www.artisticbladeswestern.com/Products.html Aspen Filly’s One of a kind Custom Holsters https://www.facebook.com/Aspen-Fillys-Merchandise-103794366328467 voice call or text-303-434-1204 Black Hills Leather https://www.blackhillsleather.com/product-category/western-rigs-leather/western-rigs/ Bob's Leatherworks http://www.bobsleatherworks.com/GALLERY.html Brigade Gun Leather http://www.brigadegunleather.com/westernholsters.html Carrico's Leatherworks LLC http://www.carricoleather.com/westernbeltsholsters.html Chisolm's Trail Old West Leather http://www.westernleatherholster.com/ Circle KB Western Holsters https://www.circlekb.com/ Cochise Leather Company https://www.cochiseleather.com/ Colt Faro Leather and Design https://www.facebook.com/coltfaroleather/ Dakota Gun Leather https://www.dakotagunleather.com/ Davis Leather Company https://davisleathercompany.com/western/ DDB Leather http://ddbleather.com/ Diablo Leather Designs https://www.facebook.com/Diablo-Leather-Designs-407128609893174/ Doc Noper Gun Leather https://www.facebook.com/Doc-Noper-Gun-Leather-150530958333442/ Doubletree Leatherworks https://doubletreecarriagecompany.com/main El Paso Saddlery Co. https://epsaddlery.com/ Giby Made Gun Leather http://gibymadegunleather.com/ GW Leathercraft https://www.etsy.com/shop/gwleathercraft Hastings Holsters and Leather http://www.hastingsholsters.com/index.htm Jackson's Western Store https://www.jacksonswesternstore.com/leather-shop/custom-made JM Leather http://jm-leather.com/ John Bianchi Frontier Gunleather http://frontiergunleather.com/index.php/gunbelts-holsters-i/western-full-gunbelts Ken's Leathercraft https://kensleathercraft.com/ Knight's Leather Products, (formerly Tombstone Leather) http://www.knightsleatherproducts.com/products.html Kirkpatrick Leather Holsters https://www.kirkpatrickleather.com/ Marston Gun Leather https://marstongunleather.com/product-category/western-gun-leather/ Mernickle Custom Holsters https://www.mernickleholsters.com/ Michigan Rattler Leather http://www.michiganrattler.com/ Murphy Custom Gun Leather http://www.customgunleather.com/ Old West Reproductions, Inc. https://www.oldwestreproductions.com/ Plum Creek Leatherworks https://www.facebook.com/Plum-Creek-Leatherworks-194791150591003/ Purdy Gear Custom Leather Goods https://www.purdygear.com/ Red Cent Custom Leather https://redcentcustomleather.com/ Reddog Leather Holsters https://www.facebook.com/ReddogLeatherHolsters/ Ricochet Roy's Old West https://rroldwest.com/ Rod Kibler Saddlery http://www.rodkiblersaddlery.com/ Ron Salvati https://www.facebook.com/groups/247150769193328/user/100007653642971 S K Vaughn Leatherworks https://www.facebook.com/skvaughnleatherworks/ Slickbald Custom Leather https://www.facebook.com/SlickbaldCustoms/ http://slickbald.com/ Stewart Historic Saddlery https://www.facebook.com/Stewart-Historic-Saddlery-327678140689640/ T Star Leather https://tstarleather.com/ Ted Blocker Holsters https://tedblockerholsters.com/collections/western-rigs The Last Best West https://thelastbestwest.com/hand-made-leather/old-west-holsters/ Western Star Leather https://www.westernstarleather.com/Cowboy-Action-Rigs-Holsters-and-Shooting-accessories_c_205.html Trailrider Products https://gunfighter.com/trailrider Whyte Leatherworks http://www.whyteleatherworks.com/ Wm Brown Holster Co. https://www.wmbrownholster.com/
  2. Barrelhouse Bob — Bob Scharbach, January 19, 2021
  3. Celilo, Steve Roden - June 4, 2020
  4. River Walker (Grant Tangye, R.I.P.) in better times, with his wife Wendy, China Bar.
  5. In memory of Ripshin, (Mike Woods) SASS Life #20556, Territorial Governor, Regulator Ripshin
  6. Rip Hawk - (Jack Palmer Welch, R.I.P.) Jack Palmer Welch, 82, of Sallisaw, Oklahoma died Friday, June 2, 2017 at Mercy Hospice in Ft. Smith, Arkansas. He was born September 3, 1934 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma the son of Harold and Alma (Ivey) Welch. Jack attended Capitol Hill High School and the University of Oklahoma. He worked for the Army Corps of Engineers beginning in 1955: first as a laboratory technician and later as a boat operator on Robert S. Kerr Reservoir. He was on active duty with the Army as a radio operator in Germany in 1957 and 1958. Jack worked on minuteman missile sites in North Dakota and Wyoming and Corps dams in Kansas and Oklahoma, retiring from the Corps in 1989. Settling in Sallisaw in 1966, he married Patricia Ann Martin on August 8, 1969. After his career with the government, he operated Top Dog Video in Sallisaw with his wife Pat for several years. Jack was a dog lover, enjoyed fishing, and later became an avid participant in Cowboy Action Shooting with the Single Action Shooters Society. He was preceded in death by his wife of 40 years, Pat; his parents, Harold and Alma (Ivey) Welch; and sister, Suzi Shires of Garland, TX. He is survived by: son: William "Bill" Welch and daughter in law Mary of Indian Hills, CO son: Kirby Rayd Welch of Centerville, MO daughter: Jacquelyn "Lyndi" Welch of Tulsa, OK son: Eric Welch and daughter in law Jessie of Cooter, MO 9 grandchildren and ten great grandchildren
  7. We've lost so many good friends... Rio Justice
  8. SASS Mounted Shooters, EOT 2000. James Butler Hickok (L). and Rio Bigg (c.) Rio Bigg
  9. Stoney Burke - (Michael Barr, R.I.P.)
  10. A word from Coolwater Mike about his brother, One-Eyed Fat Man... Sept. 4, 2020 "Another day of hospice. I awoke to the bluest skies we've had in months, it's a fine day and the angels were at my door this morning. At 11:07am they took the hand of my brother, the One Eyed Fatman and Marine Vet to lead him to meet our heavenly father. It was standing room only in his room as God's emissaries gathered him in their arms to carry him away, the tears of sadness and love were flowing freely among the gathered family as they bid him farewell. No more pain and suffering, just the memories of a good man gone to soon. Please pray for him and us for we are in great need of them." One Eyed Fat Man - (R.I.P.)
  11. 2020 took another fine cowboy from us... Dapper Dan - (Dan Porter, R.I.P.)
  12. Big Jake #1001 and Rabid Jack, Steve Hand, SASS #22
  13. Railroad Cop - (Duane McDaniel, R.I.P.)
  14. Nevada Blake (Jerry Geist) SASS Life 276. A master machinist, built the Gatling gun in the photo It fired 45 caliber blanks.
  15. 2020 took a North Carolina friend from us... Handsome Huggy - (Huggy Mitchell, R.I.P.)
  16. Rattlesnake Eddie - (Eddie Wood, R.I.P.)
  17. 2020, another cowboy gone but not forgotten. Rattler Lane - (William Webb, R.I.P.)
  18. 2020, we also lost Just L Just L - (Lisa Renfrow, R.I.P.)
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