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Pat Riot

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Posts posted by Pat Riot

  1. If I could fly I would dress as The Rocketeer. I think 200mph max would be plenty fast enough, but I would also want the ability to fly slow and hover. 


    Now, as for super power…I already can detect BS so…

    Perfect health,  perfect eyesight, perfect weight and fast healing powers if injured. That’s good enough. 

    Oh, and since The Rocketeer carried a 1911 .45 Colt I would have a sidearm, but probably something more like a S&W 327 TRR8. Can’t have brass dropping on the citizens, now can we? :D

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  2. 8 hours ago, watab kid said:

    yes , im aware of both , i appreciate your efforts and know full well we are a republic , im using their own terminology to point out the failing , but i think you knew that , 


    this sjhould never happen to either side , i would feel just as strongly if biden had been the target and would want the truth out same as i do now , unacceptable to anyone  

    I think the big problem these days is not many respect the office of the presidency, regardless of who the president actually is. 

    I do not like our current president, but I truly wish no real harm come to him because he is our president. Like it or not. 

    • Like 3
  3. Scumbags are why prices are high on certain things and in certain areas. 
    I recall being at a Sears in South Sacramento and all the prices were higher than other Sears. 
    My wife and I wanted a specific washer / dryer set that was $1200 online, but at that store the set was $1700. :blink:
    I asked a store manager why. He said “This store’s prices are higher due to theft and other crimes committed in the store.”

    I said “You mean like price gouging?” And then we left. 

    A so-called friend of mine bought a big screen at Costco for “the Big Game” a few years back. I wasn’t invited to his party but he did ask me to help him rebid the TV he was taking back to Costco. I told him to pound sand but not before finding out which Costco he was returning it to. 
    I called that Costco and spoke to a very nice lady in management. I gave her my “friend’s” name and a few details on the TV and she told me the joke was going to be on him as they would not accept returned TVs bought around the time of the Super Bowl. Hahahahaha

    My so-called friend had to eat the cost of that big ol’ TV Hahahaha…Bastage!


    By the way, we’re no longer friends. I told him what I did. Screw him! Did I mention “Hahahahaha”?


    • Haha 2
  4. I was on AcidCow.com looking at pictures and I saw a section labeled “Life Hacks” (stupid term) and opened it. 
    Basically it’s lessons on Scumbaggery and Dumbassery. 
    I deleted the GIFs that came with it as they are just stupid. 

    BY THE WAY, if you are prone to high blood pressure or are generally angry warn your loved ones in the area before reading these. 


    Unlock everyday brilliance with our guide to useful lifehacks! From clever shortcuts to smart solutions, these tips are designed to make your life easier and more efficient. Perfect for tackling common challenges, these lifehacks will help you streamline tasks and boost productivity with ease.

    Useful Lifehacks (15 gifs)

    "I use my ex’s and bosses phone numbers at Kroger’s fuel pumps to steal their discounts."

    "I used to go to Subway knowing my bank account had like 45 cents in there. I’d customize my sandwich and when it was time to pay, I’d be like “ugh what is wrong with my card? I have money in there!”. Since my sandwich was customized to me, they would just give it to me. I was a cr**py teenager."

    "I was in a three-person team in Home Ec in high school. I always volunteered to do the dishes. Then when it was something gross like a really greasy pot or pan, I said to the other two that I do the dishes all the time and that they could do it for once."

    "Tell the truth 99% of the time. Then when you have that credibility, you can lie and people will believe you."

    "There was a guy who was a wood worker my dad knew. Horrible accident at work, lost a bunch of fingers. Big settlement and too disabled to work…

    One day he’s at our house, and he’s drunk. And he f**king tells us all he did it on purpose.

    My dad just told him to leave."

    "The cops in our town like to hide at the back end of the neighborhood park to catch people who let their dogs run off leash. They could park in the front lot and let people know they’re there to deter off-leashers, but they prefer to sit where they can catch you in the act. To me this says they care more about writing tickets than they care about actually enforcing the leash law.

    In order to get to the far end of the park the cops have to drive through a gate that is always left open, with the padlock just hanging there, unlocked.

    When I know the cops are hiding at the far end of the park I close and lock the gate on them."

    "Walk into a Chipotle, Panera, or any restaurant that puts online orders on a shelf. Walk up to the shelf with confidence and tfake one of the bags and walk out. Free meal."

    "I have 5 different 1 L water bottles, one for each day of the week. I fill them up before I leave work from the filtered water coolers and then put them in the fridge when I get home. Living alone, I haven’t had to buy bottled water or a water filter in 11 years."

    "Behave like an idiot. People will trust you more and let their guards down. It makes it much easier to f**k them over as they will never think that it was you. Also no one will expect anything from you so you will get cut a lot of slack."

    "Go to Walgreens or somewhere that sells Costco or Sam’s gift cards. Buy one for any amount and then go shop without being a member. Because you have the gift card they can’t make you buy a membership and will let you use it."

    "Walmart has a 90 day return policy for pretty much everything they sell. AC broken/heat wave? Rent a couple window units from Walmart. Want a 72″ LED tv for a Super Bowl party? Rent it from Walmart.."

    "Create multiple email addresses to continuously take advantage of free trial periods for subscription services, effectively getting them for free indefinitely."


    "When you enter a raffle drawing, fold or crinkle your ticket/slip of paper a little bit. It makes it slightly more likely to be drawn. It’s worked for me a few times and I feel a little guilty every time."

    "In many elevators you can hold down the ‘close door’ button while choosing floor to get a non-stop ride. Meant to be used by rescue service/firemen."

    "Microsoft Paint can be used to delete and replace text on any scanned document, the eyedropper tool can match the font color and even the paper background color to make the change look seamless."

    • Sad 6
  5. This request pops up when I access GB. 
    Their email looks legit.


    I decided that I really don’t need GB in my life so I am freezing my account. 
    Over the past couple of years I have attempted to buy guns in that site. That’s a flippin’ joke as I literally have never come close to “winning” a bid. 
    The one thing I did bid on and win was an incorrect pair of grip panels. I guess a Centennial is not the same thing as an Airweight Centennial. 

    I keep waiting for the day when GB gets hacked and all that financial info goes on the “dark web”, whatever the hell that is.


    By the way, anyone that responded want a free set of grip panels for a model 40 Centennial? They are pretty. 
    Here they are on my 442


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  6. One could walk with a barbell bar and carry a pistol. 

    In boot camp there was a punishment unit that was referred to as “Mo- Tor”. That stood for Motivational Training Unit or something like that. This”training” was basically for screw ups and 1 guy in my Company went every night to lose weight. 
    Navy SEALs made guys do calisthenics for 2 hours using 16 pound rifles. 
    The guy in my company that did it to lose weight was one scrappy SOB when we left boot camp after 2 months. 

    Personal Note: I let Otto fix that word Cala…cali…that exercise word. If given that word at a spelling bee I would have just walked of the stage. Not many spelling bees at my house at 06:38, though. :lol:

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    • Haha 2
  7. In ‘82 I bought a ‘73 Ford that was a phone company truck. I paid $700 for it. The rear listed to one side because they kept a tool box on the drivers side. The straight 6 engine didn’t really have oil in it. It was sludge. The heads were bad and it smoked.

    I bought a crashed ‘73 Ford with a 3 speed tranny and a recently rebuilt 302 engine and swapped them out. I also removed all the nice interior panels, including the entire dash and put them into my truck. The steering column was shot so I put a floor shifter in and I flipped the shift pattern, just because. 
    My ship was going out to sea on Monday. I taught my wife to drive a stick with a flipped shift pattern on Sunday. 
    She was a little…um…pizzed at me. 
    When I came back 2 months later I put a Hurst shifter in (with the correct pattern) and put a Holley 650 on the engine. The truck had torque. I think the diff was a 3.73:1. 
    I did 130 through the Hampton tunnel. I know it was 130 because I got to see the readout when I got my ticket. :rolleyes:

    When we moved to California I sold it as part of a trade in on a new Mazda GLC. I still kick myself for selling it. It got 7 mpg on a good day. The Mazda 26 city / 35 hwy. The truck was much cooler. 

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