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Pat Riot

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Everything posted by Pat Riot

  1. The power or deception of makeup, lighting, facial expression, photoshop, etc…
  2. Hmmm…Could this happen? Maybe so!
  3. Not funny but it is interesting.
  4. BSA motorcycle. Same couple on the same motorbike in 1955 and 2015.
  5. I learned that from some folks in south Sacramento. South Sac is pretty darned ghetto. Trust me on this. The folks in LA loved the name. Except for the white politically commie sucktards. They were not amused. Even less amused when I told them to shut up and get out of my shop.
  6. I like your Frappuccino idea. (Do you know what a pain in the rear it to spell that stupid word when Otto gets involved?) I would probably use Taster’s Choice. Thanks for the idea.
  7. Years ago I drank coffee with cream and sugar. I started doing it because it irked my Dad. Anyway, good strong coffee tasted much better with cream and sugar. Also, when I was in the Navy the coffee on the Mess Deck needed anything one could add so it was palatable. One day we had a miracle happen. The Mess Deck coffee was actually very good. There was a new Seaman on Mess Duty and boy could he make coffee. We immediately knew when his 90 days of Mess Duty was over, the coffee tasted like sh** again. There was damn near a riot on the Mess Deck. The Sr. Chief MS took care of things and the coffee was better after that. I have been drinking my coffee black for over 30 years now. Every great once in a while in the winter I will make “Ghetto Mocha”. You dump instant Hot Chocolate in your cup then fill it with black coffee. It’s Mmmm-Mmm Good with donuts.
  8. They need a longer antenna so they can roast the whole pack.
  9. I really don’t know. This was a web grab including the sentence about it being 107 years old.
  10. I was looking through this thread thinking “I don’t remember this thread. Then I realized I haven’t had but a couple of sips of coffee. Moving on until I have had more coffee.
  11. "This 107 Year Old Hot Dog Place’s Original Menu Prices"
  12. Probably. That stuff is incredible. It’s so fine it gets everywhere. Months from now they’ll be finding the stuff in the strangest places. I’ll bet that guy had to take at least 3 showers to get most of it off. His clothes are trash. How do I know? A knucklehead I used to work with did something similar. It wouldn’t have happened if he would have read the instructions that came on the toner cartridge. Another mistake Idiot Boy made was trying to clean the $20,000 copier off with some window cleaner. That didn’t work so he tried a degreaser. The Ivory white Xerox machine became blackened all over the front. It couldn’t be removed. Believe it or not he got promoted later on to a manager position in QA. The guy was a true dipstick.
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