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Texas Lizard

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Status Replies posted by Texas Lizard

  1. send $30 if you want to do paypal to  rlluehr@yahoo.com


    also send me your shipping inform

    1. Texas Lizard

      Texas Lizard

      Same to you and your family...Be safe and be back next year shooting somewhere...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. send $30 if you want to do paypal to  rlluehr@yahoo.com


    also send me your shipping inform

    1. Texas Lizard

      Texas Lizard

      Gold dust going your way...Ones and zeros heading to the email PayPay account....


      Texas Lizard

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. send $30 if you want to do paypal to  rlluehr@yahoo.com


    also send me your shipping inform

    1. Texas Lizard

      Texas Lizard

      Dennis Henson

      11062 Coronel Rd.

      Santa Ana, Ca, 92705


      And we still can get this into California....Will do paypal in morning...Need to put 5 year old to bed....

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. send gold to (check is fine)




    12141 7th st




    send me your shipping inform

    1. Texas Lizard

      Texas Lizard

      Sounds like the gold arrived...Have a good Christmas spending it....Or hang on to it for a rainy day...


      Texas Lizard

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. send gold to (check is fine)




    12141 7th st




    send me your shipping inform

  6. send gold to (check is fine)




    12141 7th st




    send me your shipping inform

    1. Texas Lizard

      Texas Lizard

      Dennis Henson

      11062 Coronel Rd.

      Santa Ana, Calif. 92705

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. send gold to (check is fine)




    12141 7th st




    send me your shipping inform

    1. Texas Lizard

      Texas Lizard

      Yes just side tracked with a turkey and 4 year old...Give total again and it can go out tomorrow morning...


      Texas Lizard

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. send gold to (check is fine)




    12141 7th st




    send me your shipping inform

    1. Texas Lizard

      Texas Lizard

      Dennis Henson

      11062 Coronel Rd.

      Santa Ana, Calif, 92705

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  9. Gold dust hit the road and voted also...

    1. Texas Lizard

      Texas Lizard

      Browning Creedmore...And a couple of Hi walls by Winchester...Also have Hi Wall 120 and a couple of 45-70s...

      Almost forgot the lever action in 45-70 and 45-90...Need to try out the 45-90 lever...So many and so little time...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hi.


    Please send funds to:


    Gary Ladd

    1020 So.  5375 West

    Cedar City, Utah  84720






    We've done business before I beleive.


    Many thanks,



    1. Texas Lizard

      Texas Lizard

      Yep we sure have...Will gold dust out on Monday...


      Shipping to Me..


      Dennis Henson

      11062 Coronel Rd.

      Santa Ana, Calif, 92705

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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