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Blackwater 53393

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Everything posted by Blackwater 53393

  1. Threats’ll Getcha’ Dead!
  2. Woke up this morning with this song rattling around in my head. John Prine wrote and recorded it first, but I think he thought of it as Bonnie’s song!
  3. That’s Fudd, with two Ds!! Write it down! Be famous someday!!
  4. Settin’, thinkin’ about folks I lost track of… or just plain lost.
  5. Country Ham with fried ‘taters ‘n’ onions, four eggs over medium, sliced ‘maters, whole wheat toast with local churned butter ‘n’ honey, and fried apples! I’M HONGRY!!
  6. Glad she’s okay!! That hunk of tin can be replaced!!
  7. Lower than snake crap in a wagon rut!
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