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Blackwater 53393

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Everything posted by Blackwater 53393

  1. I’m a child of the late sixties and early seventies! There was a place about an hour north of where I spent my teenage years called Paulines. This song and that place are permanently etched into my memory! Again, Blood Sweat and Tears…
  2. SO! Here I am, stuck in this chair, watching it rain and thinking about getting out and having some fun…
  3. I don’t think I could ever GET that drunk!!
  4. Me too! (much to the chagrin of several people that I know)
  5. Not Wanted According to my attorney, the honorable J. Mark Flint, the courts have issued a permanent restraining order and an order of protection against me, requested by one Lucifer Beelzebub, aka Satan, also referred to as Ol’ Scratch, The Devil, The Prince of Darkness, and Hades. I am not to venture within five hundred feet of him or to even approach any or all known properties or places that he is known to frequent if he is present at such places!
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