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Three Foot Johnson

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Posts posted by Three Foot Johnson

  1. I've been on Warfarin in the past, but it required regular visits to the Dr. and weekly dosage adjustments. Then Xarelto, and now Eliquis. I don't remember why they switched me from Xarelto to Eliquis...? Unless I'm doing something where I'm going to get cut or poked, regardless, I don't notice any difference, like I don't start bleeding spontaneously or somesuch. I might bruise a little easier than I used to, but I'm not really sure. If I do, it's not a big difference. If I'm out fixing fence, I'm going to come back to the house looking like this, and it just takes a little longer to quit now than it used to. A long sleeve denim shirt would probably help a lot. :P



  2. Both are quite smooth, but I don't know of that's the result of an "action job" or if they were just built with a little more care fifty years ago than they are today. The only thing really noticeable when levering is the "Marlin bump" when closing from the bump on the bottom of the bolt. It's light and smooth enough to easily lever the empty action with one finger.

  3. Lee made two styles of the 358-125-RF mold, so a top punch made for the one on the left is going to leave a ring gouged into the nose of the right one. As above, just use a flat punch or fit it to the nose with a dab of JB or epoxy. Smear a bit of vaseline on the bullet so it doesn't get glued to the punch. ;)



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  4. I used the one pictured in Black Hills Barb's post above for a lot of years, but I'm 6' 4" and north of 300, +gunbelt, guns, etc, and it always worried me a bit when I sat on it. This one is a little heavier constructed and has a back, but it's too tall, even for me. I cut 4" off each leg with a tubing cutter. :) Mainstays, from Walmart.


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  5. As Marauder said, your  M94 .30-30 is legal for Long Range rifle caliber lever action side matches - I've never seen this side match divided into black and smokeless, so either powder will work. Your '94 .44 mag is suitable for Long Range pistol caliber lever action side matches and also as a main match rifle. Once again, I've never seen the pistol cal lever action side match divided into black and smokeless. While there are black powder categories, of course, I've never heard of a smokeless category, meaning there is no category that specifies you must use smokeless powder. Black is good in all categories. In my limited experience with them, the Model 94 isn't a good choice for a main match rifle because the long action isn't made to feed the shorter .357, .44 mag, .44-40, and .45 Colt cartridges.

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