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Brimstone # 2175

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  • Location
    The wrong side of the tracks in the Wisconsin Territory
  • Interests
    CAS, Wild West & various other genres of reenacting,

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  1. You know. I didn't notice that til you pointed it out. But The movie is still the right one.
  2. Here's a young Robert Duvall as Jesse James. I honestly don't think I have ever seen this.
  3. Here's the first Sam Elliot movie I ever seen. I was on HBO and they had back to back westerns on. First was The Quick And The Dead followed by Silverado. That was a good afternoon.
  4. Here is the 1st part of my personal favorite western of all time. The other parts can be followed after this.
  5. Here's one I haven't seen since I had it VHS. But you can't go wrong with Sam Elliot.
  6. This is actually one of my favorites. I saw this on HBO back in 82 when I was a kid and home sick from school.
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