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Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

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Everything posted by Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129

  1. My neighbors 5 year old Truck is making so much noise, as the rust keeps popping holes in the box.... Can't hardly sleep, my 1999 Suburban is silent I though it might have a rust spot caused by that Dodge next door... Jabez Cowboy
  2. Back from Page 4 Wake up and Cut da Lawn Jabez Cowboy
  3. Blackwater; If you do, and drive, trailer your Bike up here as well as your Guns and Ammo... Jabez Cowboy
  4. Well the SASS Canadian Nationals Are in the Bag ... 6 shot the match Clean... I converted Money into Smoke.... Jabez Cowboy
  5. What I really Want to Know is Why Turdeau is not In Jail ... He has been found to have Broken Criminal Code Laws, and by the Rule of Law he should be removed from office and put in Jail for the specified minimum 10 years in Jail ... Jabez Cowboy
  6. Come to Canada.... It just Did... Jabez Cowboy
  7. Hey CLK jump in the Motorhome and come out and shoot the Canadian Nationals .... Jabez Cowboy
  8. Yep! except this twit has even less Brain Power than is Normal for this Type... And he is Far meaner, to the defenceless ... Jabez Cowboy
  9. The Pm lacks the Brain power of an Gnat... And is a Grabber of body parts Not his own, With-out Permission... Jabez Cowboy
  10. I'm sure none of these folk fit that description .... Jabez Cowboy
  11. Good Idea... We can't trust them with guns ... so that's out... Jabez Cowboy
  12. Well, Who is grumpy today? I have a new Grandbaby, Peyton She Weighs in at 3 pounds... But seem healthy for such a little one... This makes Number 8... With Number 9 expected in November... Jabez Cowboy
  13. Back from page 5... Ya all can thank me by being Grumpy... Jabez Cowboy
  14. The PM'S office is spending more time protecting China than protecting Canadian's... It is involved in one cover-up after another, seems like at least one new one a week... That and trying to disarm the law abiding citizens ... Jabez Cowboy
  15. Can we all say Dictatorship... Kind of like that of China or Cuba... So very sad ... Jabez Cowboy
  16. Stupid is as Stupid Does.... And that sure fits in her Case... Jabez Cowboy
  17. Nay... I was at a Shoot... Then a Children/Youth Worker's conference .... But I is Right Grumpy and Home Now... Jabez Cowboy
  18. Back from Page 4... I saw the 5 new Fox Kits playing in the Yard today under the watchful eye of the Pappy... Jabez Cowboy
  19. This is the Liebral Way... Jabez Cowboy
  20. Pssst; BlackWater is getting Old... Jabez Cowboy
  21. Back from Page 3.... Now i'm Grumpy.... Jabez Cowboy
  22. I know a bit about that, we came home from Uganda One year to find our 1,840 for basement with 3 feet of water in it... The sump pump was running steady, but couldn't keep up... Some one jimmied both outside taps so they ran wide open down the side of the house... The person ( watching ) the house didn't notice... This was 10 days before the SASS Canadian Nationals.... Made it to the shoot, but a little worn out.... Jabez Cowboy
  23. Blackwater, I'm sure some of da tales will come from you... Have a great time . I was down in your neck of da woods a couple of years ago. But I didn't know then that Ya was hanging out there or I would have looked Ya up.... Jabez Cowboy
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