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Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

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Posts posted by Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

  1. 14 minutes ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

    Naw. Them fellers was Sneezy, Dopey, Jethro, Grumpy, Sleepy, Snotty, Doc, Rudolph, Bashful, Giggles, Itchy, Bugsy, Happy, Norman, Droopy, Constantine, and Dufus.


    Those was the regulars but there was a whole herd of them guys, too.


    (Are we having fun yet?) :D


    Ya left out Crappy and Stinky~!  :rolleyes:

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  2. 1 hour ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

    Then there's the Olphart family:  Justin, Dustin, Rusty, Bear,Dusty, Buff, Grizzly, Dopey, Mopey, Trusty, Crafty,  B. N., Ben N., Lazy, Easy, Handy, Hardy, Dan D., Otto Bean, Reverend, Sneezy, Howlin, Craven, Harry, Rinkelled, and Morris.  


    There's a bunch more but I can't remember them all.


    Wait... ain't them those li'l fellas who helped out ol' Snow White...?  angel.gif

  3. Atta boy, Hardpan! Hopefully you held that "dead mouse" up by it's tail! :lol:;):blush:


    Ha! That's exactly what I did! :lol:


    Took the ladies a few seconds to register that it was a "mouse," and not a mouse. ^_^


    On another note... I've been mentally reviewing my "gottado" list for the week - DANG! For being "retired," I'm sure gonna be a busy old f@rt boy! :huh:

  4. Haw! :lol:


    Lumpy's undoubtedly right on both counts!!


    Good thing I'm a fella of few words... :rolleyes:


    Sitting at my desk... "the box" on the floor next to me, gradually filling with shtuff... wastbasket filling faster... got a shriek out of the ladies when I said "Oh look! I found a dead mouse in my drawer!" then held up an old Logitech... ^_^

  5. Years ago I had knee surgery in California and a friend bought me a sword / cane to use. It wasn't very sturdy but it was cool. I was showing it off at a party at a friends house and a lot of the attendees were police officers. That's when I found out that possession of a sword cane was a felony. I didn't get arrested as it was conveyed to me as "friendly advice" but I got rid of that thing pretty quickly after that. I am pretty sure they are still illegal in CA.


    Isn't everything...? :(

  6. If a movie was made about the true Ca. politics and the crooks & scum in Sac. <_<

    No one would believe it. :(



    What Lumpy sez. Pretty much what I've heard from a few legislators I've spoken with over the years... :huh:




    For those Californians looking to secede: Bless your hearts! :lol:


    Ha ha ha....! :D

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