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Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

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Posts posted by Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

  1. 38 minutes ago, Waymore Loco said:




    Sassparilla Kid and I built this one a bunch of years ago for an American Cancer Society Relay For Life event.  :rolleyes:






    I submit that mine is more true to the original.  ^_^




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  2. 21 minutes ago, Dirty Dog Doug said:

    we drove san leandro to la sitting on a love seat in the back of toyota pickup wearing  leather flying hats and googles . we waved to CHP as the passed us  most waved back 


    Do you recall what year this was...?  :)


    And I wonder if it'd still be legal in a Subaru Brat~?  :rolleyes:




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  3. 25 minutes ago, Dirty Dog Doug said:


    pick up old.jpg


    Shoooot.... when I was a kid, there would've been a bunch of furniture in the back o' the pickup and the order would've been "Hang on to that stuff and DON'T let anything bounce out!  And make DAMNED sure the mirror on the back o' that dresser don't get busted!!"   :o

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