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Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

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Posts posted by Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

  1.                   The Stairs at Balamand University, Lebanon

    This book staircase in Balamand University is known as the StairCase of knowledge. The staircase exhibits 21 book covers in chronological order. This incredible staircase was solely designed by the students for a project, and it is located next to the university library.



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  2. 4 hours ago, Buckshot Bear said:



    Second year of college I was taking a camping class in the Recreation Department - a requirement for Rec majors and minors (the latter being yours truly).  One of the class assignments was a group backpacking trip into Point Reyes.  Easy for those of outdoors types; a mite challenging for the city slickers.


    So the group eventually rendezvoused at the camping area.  There were basically three types of participants:  those of us who were prepared based on experience; those who prepared by reading the class syllabus; and two singularly unique "gentlemen" who were the last to arrive due to their footwear and burden.


    The last two, who were um... of "African American" descent... showed up looking like extras from the Super Fly movie of the era.  Double-knit bell bottom slacks; shirts with huuuge, pointed lapels, white belts, wide brimmed fedoras, alligator platform shoes... 


    And the only "provisions" they brought along was literally a well-stocked portable bar.


    I'm here to tell ya, folks, those gentlemen wanted for nothing that weekend!  Food... warm clothes... bedding... all readily available for barter.  :lol:

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  3. 19 minutes ago, Sixgun Sheridan said:


    Let me guess... they forgot about the guns on the roof and they rusted out in the rain.


    Found my Arisaka Type 99 on a rooftop 52 years ago...  all rusty, frozen up and covered in crud.


    It cleaned up right nicely!  :)








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  4. 3 hours ago, Buckshot Bob said:



    We live near in a rural area near Madera, a small town about 25 miles north of Fresno.


    When my son was about eleven or so, he asked "Dad!  If Weird Al ever comes to Fresno, can we go see him? Pleeease??"


    Feeling extremely confident that W. A. would never come to a place like Fresno, I said "Why, sure, son!  You betcha!"  :rolleyes:


    Dangit if a few weeks later I heard an announcement that Al was going to perform at the Madera County Fair - about five miles from our house, and on my birthday no less...!!  :o


    I scored the last two front-row seats for the Kid and his buddy Cody, and two seats immediately behind them for myself and Cody's dad.


    And Al put on a surprisingly good show!  :lol:





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  5. 8 minutes ago, Black Angus McPherson said:


    Somebody please educate me.  I DEF do not get this joke.  What is DEF?




    Diesel Exhaust Fluid.


    Two thirds deionized water, 1/3 urea.  Goes in a dedicated tank on diesel engine equipped vehicles and is injected into the exhaust upstream of a catalyst. 


    Commonly referred to as "Pee" for "Pee Diesels."  :mellow:

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  6. With all due respects to Paul Harvey, "And now, the rest of the story!"  :rolleyes:



    • http://www.vfp62.com/IMAGES_14/TF-9J.jpg

      Does anyone know anything more about this TF-9J?


      (9/7/16) I was instructing in VT-25 when the F9 incident took place. My best recollection of the accident: The student pilot did catch a wire but had a severe right to left approach. After going over the side he was still at full power. The LSO finally radioed the pilot to shut down. After shutting down the student jumped into the water. I don't know how he was picked up. There was no equipment on the ship able to pull the plane back aboard so the arresting gear cable was cut and the plane was lost. The student went out the next day and finished his carrier qualification.

      Lt. Cdr Tom Larson, VFP-62 pilot

      (3/30/15): Re the TF-9J "hanging over the side to dry out," it was BuNo 142979, from Chase Field, TX-based VT-25 "Cougars," which missed all arresting wires when trying to recover aboard Lexington, 24 May 1966. Pilot could be rescued, unhurt, fortunately. Fair winds & following seas,

      -- Fabio Peña
      Manager, Aircraft Carrier & Escort Carrier Archives
      NavSource (http://www.navsource.org)

      (11/10/13):From Air Force Col. TD:
      Ok you Navy Pukes... we now know why your planes are so clean (we thought you just didn't use them!).

      Air Force Pilots Always Wondered:
      Q - Why do Navy airplanes need tail hooks?
      A - After a tough day of flying on an aircraft carrier the planes are always washed and they use the hooks to hang the planes over the side to dry out.
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  7. 7 hours ago, Buckshot Bob said:



    Wellll.....  :rolleyes:


    John Wayne Once Accidentally Shot a Western Star in the Behind on a Hunting Trip


    Actors John Wayne and Ward Bond were compatriots for more than 30 years.  Both played football at the University of Southern California. Both got their showbiz starts in the 1929 film Salute.  They appeared in 23 movies together, many of them Westerns directed by John Ford.


    The story goes that during a hunting trip in the 1950s, Wayne accidentally shot Bond in the butt—with one of Bond’s own shotguns.  Bond wasn’t hurt badly, and the two joked about it for years.  When Bond died in 1960, he willed the weapon to Wayne—who cherished it.

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