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Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

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Posts posted by Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967

  1. So suddenly, when trying to open the Wire on my Samsung Galaxy Tab S2, I get the following screen:



    Now, I've experienced this in the past, particularly when logged into other peoples routers.  Oddly, it seems to pass - wait an hour or so, then it works normally.  But now, it's happening at home... and does NOT pass.  Seems to be permanent - but only for select sites, like the SASS wire and Fox News and one or two others.  Heck, I can even access my email accounts.  But it does NOT happen on my laptop; only the tablet, which has worked flawlessly for years.


    When I click on "Reload" it just repeats; when I click on "Advanced" it sez "...forums.sassnet.com normally uses encryption to protect your information. When Chrome tried to connect to forums.sassnet.com this time, the website sent back unusual and incorrect credentials..."  Well, "Road Apples" sez I.  :angry:


    I've tried re-booting the tablet, re-booting the modem and router, clearing a ton of memory on the tablet... all to no avail.


    Any suggestions from the bits 'n' bytes bunch...?  :huh:





  2. Francisco Javier Palamino Alvarez... interesting - when I looked at the booking page this morning, he was listed - but no photo.  Gotta protect his privacy, I reckon.


    When I checked a few minutes ago just to see if mebbe they might have relented and taked a mug shot - he ain't even there now.


    Good Lord!  From the Santa Rosa Police Deparment's Facebook page, this is what they found in his truck:


              No photo description available.



    On another forum (https://www.24hourcampfire.com - been an interesting site for years!) a fellow posted the following:




    I've seen here and on other forums rumors that Alliant is quitting the civilian powder market. Rather than participate in the rumor mill I decided to reach out to Alliant direct via email. Here's the exchange:

    Hi, I’d like to set the story straight on various online hand loading forums - Is Alliant getting out of the consumer (handloading) powder business permanently? Thanks.

    Alliant's Response:

    Brad - No we are making powders and powders for civilian use as well.

    Currently the bulk of the issue with powder (all powder companies) is the Lack of Nitrocellulose. Nitrocellulose is a key component in double base powders. All our powders are double base. The shortage of Nitrocellulose is caused from supply and demand. There are only two suppliers that manufacture Nitrocellulose. One out of the two currently shut down for the foreseeable future. Causing our current shortage.

    “Perfection is Achieved Not When There Is Nothing More to Add, But When There Is Nothing Left to Take Away” Antoine de Saint-Exupery
    The 308 is Great - The 270 is Plenty.



    Edit:  This supports Buckshot Bear's much more detailed post from May 22....  :)



    Buckshot's post



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  4. Took myself to the local theater this afternoon - still twenty-one bucks for an "old fart" ticket, small popcorn and large soda, but worth every cent.


    I thought it was excellent!  At the end, not a single person got out of their seat until the credits were complete and the house lights came up.

    • Like 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, Alpo said:

    Actually, I was thinking that if he copied anybody, it was Busby Berkeley.




    Bingo!  :lol:


    I pretty much agree with your earlier observation.  Spielberg wasn't so much "copying" anyone as much as incorporating contempory stuff into his period films.  :)


    A Spielberg anecdote:


    Thirty-plus years ago and before I knew him, my buddy Fred was a Scoutmaster in the little town of Madera, california.  On an outing to the Alameda Naval Air Station a Scout (the Scoutmaster's son) was severely injured when he somehow fell into a vat of extremely hot liquid.  Two other Scouts jumped into action and literally saved the young man's life, while incurring lesser but still serious injuries to themselves.  Fred's son spent a long, long time in the hospital, but did survive.


    To recognize the two Scouts who saved their friend, Fred nominated them for a National level BSA Lifesaving Award.  It was approved, and a formal "Court of Honor" was in order.  While planning the event and preparing invitations for local "dignitaries," Fred had an idea:  he'd read that Steven Spielberg was an Eagle Scout; why not send him an invitation too?


    He did.  And Spielberg accepted!  On the appointed day, he and an assistant landed at the Fresno airport, then drove to Madera, where Spielberg actively participated in the ceremony.  His assistant had said that they could stay only about a half hour or so; that stretched over two hours.  He fit right in!  Fred said that he was gracious and really down-to-earth, and a fun contributor.  A terrific time was had by all, and Spielberg actually joined Troop 116 as a dues-paying committee member - and remained on their roster for several years.  Somewhere around here I have a copy of that roster....  :rolleyes: 





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  6. Could it be a .38-55?  That'd be WAY cool, too.  :)


    Do you have a cartridge you could test with?  If not, try slipping a .30-30 shell into the chamber, just to see if the base seems to fit.  Might be an indication; as that's the "parent case" for the .38-55, it could point you in that direction.  :rolleyes:

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  7. Marshal, if you can find a copy, I recommend his autobiography "At Ease: Stories I tell to friends."  Published over fifty years ago, but a good read!  





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  8. 5 hours ago, Sedalia Dave said:


    Finally found the sight when I was looking for something else. :D


    It is a Redfield Model 70. Unfortunately is came off a Marlin 36A-DL so I'm almost positive it will not fit your Winchester 94



    Well Dave, I do appreciate your keeping me in mind and looking!  :)


    I'll keep on the search ~ they're out there.  I did just score a cool sight on Ebay for a 1926 Savage!  :D 


    I had two of these Savages; a 1926 in .250 Savage (.250-3000) and the slightly heavier 1926 version in .300 Savage.  I passed the .250 on to my son several years ago, and intend to get the .300 up and running in the foreseeable future.  Sweet li'l rifles, they look like a baby Springfield.  The 1920 is under six lbs, and generally had one of three possible sight configurations:  the typical barrel mounted semi-buckhorn, the super sweet Lyman 54 bolt tailpiece mount, or a Marble's S20 receiver sight.


    The .300 has the base for the tailpiece Lyman, but is missing the slide.  The .250 I gave the Kid has the Marble's; I always did like it.  So, replacement slides for the Lyman are non-existent, and the whole sights are quite dear - like three hundred bucks or so.  But I did find a Marbles!  :rolleyes:


    Savage Model 20 with Lyman 54 bolt sight   image.thumb.jpeg.e267683863ede7047cd5728f88e92384.jpeg LYMAN 54 SIGHT Savage 1920 $299.00 - PicClick



    Savage Model 20 with Marble's S20 Sight    image.jpeg.6ae8930a2f75ef2bc646291bfd41d55d.jpeg Looking for Marble S20 peep sight - 24hourcampfire



    The Rifle   image.thumb.jpeg.93c7f0ea903027103fc61f3469ed56a2.jpeg           image.png.bfc4178e9157f9943fd609f3973dad1c.png





    • Like 2
  9. Well, it was still fun.  BUT!  They better be coming toward or going away; trying to figure out the lead on crossing shots with that fast steel is a booger.  And we tried to keep shots within 25 yards - much beyond that and they might shed a feather or two as they cut in the afterburners.


    Sassparilla expended an entire box of W-W 1 1/8 oz #6 steel through his "new" Mossberg without a single bird; he then switched to his CZ Woodcock and W-W 1 oz #7's and he started 'em.  I was doing well enough with my Beretta AL-2.  I used that same gun when I started shooting doves on that ranch back in '71 or '72... the first time was as a "blind dates," me with Hank's cousin Connie, and Hank with a friend of hers.  The girls got to be our bird dogs; I do not think they were overly impressed.  😆


    Neither of us ever had a follow-up date; at least Connie is still civil whenever I see her at weddings or funerals.  :rolleyes:



    • Like 2
    • Haha 3
  10. In california we are required by law to use lead-free ammunition for hunting (and likely to soon apply to target shooting as well).


    Now, non-lead ammunition is lacking in a couple of aspects - it's lighter, harder, and tends to be less efficacious than lead on game.  Also, as it is lighter, bullets tend to be longer and therefore less accurate when fired from slower-twist barrels designed for lead based bullets.  Like almost every rifle I own.


    When I was a youngster I had excellent vision (20 10).  But now that I'm in my seventies and starting cataracts, not so much.  So, I decided to put a scope back on my old Marlin .30-30.  It actually came with a Marlin-labeled scope when I bought it back in '71, but I quickly replaced that scope with a sweet Lyman receiver sight and Marble's Sheard front sight - they served well for many decades.  But it's time; last week I mounted an old Weaver K2.5 on the carbine.  


    Sighted it in yesterday at a hundred yards.  With the Nosler "E-Tip 30-30" bullets costing about $2.00 apiece*, I didn't want to bury too many of 'em into the berm.  Three shots to get on paper; then these four.  Done.


    I think it'll definitely shoot with "minute of deer" accuracy.  :)


    *Yikes!!  Up to eighty bucks for a box of fifty, plus sales tax, plus california's new 11% BS tax...!  :o  :(  




       Nosler 150gr E-Tip 30-30 ~ righty purty!


    The target ~ with scope adjustments after each shot




    The ad that "sold" me on the Marlin fifty-three years ago, what it looked like when I bought it... and the rifle today with the replacement scope.

        Preview image for a collapsed post.             image.thumb.jpeg.0d0613f82755fd95800b0c6635112a4f.jpeg



                           I really like this reticle!






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