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Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

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Everything posted by Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

  1. I've been powder coating my own bullets. Using powder, tumble in a #5 tub and then 'cook' in a toaster oven. Love them and if they make a mold for the bullet I can PC it. here is a link over on cast boolits that deals with Hi-Tek as well as PC them. I'm Walter Laich over there: http://castboolits.gunloads.com/forumdisplay.php?184-Coatings-and-Alternatives cr
  2. I found some carpenter pants that are made of same material as the pants my uncle gave me in RVN only color is 'natural' Took the belt loops off and wear with suspenders. Great in Texas heat and humidity cr
  3. We did food for a few years but all the work kept falling to the officers and the donations weren't meeting expenses so we dropped them. Funny thing: no one really complained about them being gone, either???? Guess it was one of the side benefits that wasn't really a benefit. Annual we contract with a BBQ trailer and they come out and feed the masses. We used to assign a officer to this but was way too much work for a couple of people. Tried catering from existing restaurants: didn't provide what they said they would; boy scouts: guess they were working on their "watching squirrels" merit badges and didn't follow through and getting members to provide a dish or two was a total disaster. cr
  4. Found one of these under the Christmas Tree a few years ago--I hate to admit it but I'm spoiled. Did learn the translucent plastic part that covers the hole inside the machine can bend down from spending several summers in a Texas garage. WARNING--DO NOT DO THIS--IT IS DANGEROUS (for information only): since I had to take the heavy lexan clear cover off now and then I just threaded the bolts in from the bottom of their holes and the cover sits on them aligned correctly. If something went wrong inside (like a boom) figure the cover would take off like a rocket through the ceiling and roof. but then I used to jump out of perfectly good government airplanes in my youth cr
  5. same here I do mark all the pistol with a black stripe and rifle loads with a red stripe. use Red Dot for everything and I can tell bullets by shape put new reloads on bottom of stack so I 'rotate my stock' cr
  6. now if I just had some extra money laying around cr
  7. another vote for Pro Melt I also built and use a PID on mine to hold temp within 1-2ยบ PIDs will work on Lees also.
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