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Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

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Everything posted by Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

  1. .............. and now 2 less than that ... 🥺
  2. I am of the conviction that Architects , too, need to spend time with "hammer and saw" during their training ........ 😐
  3. https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=aff431f279f4515b11411ce5bfeeba922ba56715bba02336ef6a41512d56523dJmltdHM9MTczMzI3MDQwMA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=4&fclid=081f981a-2b2b-64d7-0332-8d002aba65b3&u=a1L3ZpZGVvcy9yaXZlcnZpZXcvcmVsYXRlZHZpZGVvP3E9bGl2aW5nK2luK3RoZSs3MCUyN3Mrc2t5aG9va3MmbWlkPTY4MDIyMjJCQTk4OEQxRTUxNTYzNjgwMjIyMkJBOTg4RDFFNTE1NjMmRk9STT1WSVJF&ntb=1
  4. ,,,,, that's a ring-pull. ......... we did once have "pop-tops" with 2 'buttons' on the top, you pressed the little one to release the pressure and then pressed the larger one to allow you to drink, ..... good idea, but never really caught on 🙃
  5. .... a lefthanded hammer and a longweight screwdriver.
  6. only 20 more sleeps (not including those you have through the day) 😇
  7. ....... this explain quite a lot ......
  8. ........... yes ..... maybe .....
  9. ..... and when it'll be available in Oztralya ........ 🙃
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