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Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

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Everything posted by Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

  1. ........ OUCH!!!!! ... .... don't worry, ... it'll buff out .....
  2. ........ yeah, that's it ....... his father-in-laws' brand new Mercedes .......
  3. ...... ya'know, .... 2022 ain't over yet .....
  4. I'm thinking late 50s early 60s .......
  5. ..... yes, Pluto isn't a planet any more, ..... apparently ....
  6. .................. no ....
  7. ....... more commonly known as "the six o'clock swill"
  8. The Flat Earth Society has a membership around the globe.
  9. .................... I really don't think so .......
  10. ............ for us the $50 is almost worth 5 dollars ..........
  11. ........ and still the reciepts fade to unreadable just before taxtime .......
  12. How did you find that many 2door Falcons in one street ?
  13. Oh Wow !! soap-on-a-rope ...... now I'll be ready to go to gaol ......
  14. never liked it ..... ..... more of a man ..... never liked it ..... ..... more of a man .....
  15. ........ nope, ..... just sleeping it off ....... well, you sleep on a mattress .........
  16. ....... probably an Australian non-people person bus driver ......
  17. DAMN IT Pete ! ........ you're doing it again .....
  18. Never hear'd of him ..... ........ but he do look like a young Walt, ........ if you squint a lot .....
  19. ....... so, that's not Walt Disney ..... ? ...
  20. HEY!!!........ ....... who are you callin' old .... ???
  21. yes, I'm an old phart ... ...... but I don't know ........
  22. ................... how many were involved ?
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