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Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

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Everything posted by Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

  1. I'm very sorry but you'd need to draw circles and edjumacate me .....
  2. Charlie, I live in Australia, ...... we have American TV but little other media. ............ and I haven't seen a MAD magazine for a verrrrry long time ...
  3. ........... some seem to learn gun handling from a similar source ....
  4. ..... a reporter reporting on the George Floyd inquiry ?
  5. ....... only 207 ? ......... ....... oh yeah, not every body is on facebook at the same time .....
  6. URBAN ASSAULT STATION WAGON ........ that thing would have trouble negotiating the driveway into any McDonalds franchise anywhere in the world .....
  7. ....... please categorize this as STOLEN ........
  8. Grandma used to say that sometimes you have to hug someone you don't like so's you'd know how big of a hole to dig .........
  9. ........ but, but, but, .......... they've all got handles ....
  10. ^^^^^^^ .... better looking than Freddie ...... imho
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