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Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

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Everything posted by Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062

  1. ........ well, ... I have heard that going to "Hell" can be costly .........
  2. "Paradise" to "Hell" looks to be a quicker trip; ........ it's all downhill ......
  3. ...... the original "cabbage tree hat" .....
  4. ...... " ..and here the surrogate mother gently gathers all of the young and carefully carries them back to the nest ...... " ......
  5. ....... is that a 'wind-up key' in the rear wheel ?
  6. Yes there is ....... ................... you're most welcome
  7. ...... why the muzzle ? ... does it bite ??
  8. Ned Kelly was highly strung: .... ...... it was his biggest hangup .....
  9. Actually it's on the correct side ........
  10. ..... but who's interested in looking at the green car ?
  11. ...... both look ......... er, .... discomfortable ...
  12. BTDT .............. thankfully it was a dis-used set of "colorful tree roots" ....
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