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Bullett Sass 19707

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Status Replies posted by Bullett Sass 19707

  1. Howdy Bullett.  Have you come to any decision on the trade? Do you have any more questions or require anymore pictures? 

    Thanks for your interest............RT

    1. Bullett Sass 19707

      Bullett Sass 19707

      Sorry for the delay long day at work.  My friends all tell me to keep the skb and have it worked over.   They say it is the best for CAS.  May be I better listen to them I have worn out 3 stoegers and wearing on the 4th.  So for now I will keep the skb.   Thank You Bullett 19707

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Got'em ,


    When are you selling the other?



    p.s Where in Oregon do you live. I shot out there last year in August with the OOWSS club because my son lived in Eugene but now lives towards Portland in Wilsonville.

    1. Bullett Sass 19707

      Bullett Sass 19707

      I was also going to sell the smaller 97.  This is the gun my daughters used in competition and has been made smaller.   It is about 12 in from the trigger to the end of the butt pad, give or take 1/4 in.   It is a D model and works well for cowboy shooting.  The serial numbers match.  The last daughter is now in college and can use a full size gun so that's my reason to sell.   The 97 on the top is one I used for Wildbunch then switched to model 12.   I will be attending a shoot in Canby OR a few miles south of Portland the end of July and staying with my daughter in Albany where the OOWSS shoots.   I live about 400 miles east of there next to the boarder of Idaho.   I would like 495 plus shipping for the 97 It also has a full action job.  Thanks Bullett 19707 

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